European social model and employment

leusl2105  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

European social model and employment
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This learning unit is not being organized during year 2024-2025.

Main themes
Historical analysis of the social dimension of the European integration: social policy, free movement of workers, employment policy, social protection (open method of coordination), structural funds, social dialogue, social consequences of the monetary union, social exclusion, social challenges of enlargement.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 The aim is that the student will be able to understand the legal framework, to identify the political dynamics and actors strategies, and to analyse the challenges in the historical perspective. It also covers some aspects of political economy linked to the social challenges of EMU. The course links the analysis of a sectorial policy with the European integration theories.
The teaching is built on an historical analysis which distinguishes between various periods of the European social policy. For each period four variables are used: level of diversity of the national social systems, economic and social environment and balance between left and right, main social themes and mode of governance (convergence, upward harmonisation, minimal standards'). It will combine legal, political science and political economy approaches placing the social policy dynamic in a broader context.
Evaluation methods
Paper (45%)
Individual work, topic chosen by the student and approved by the Professor, related to the issues covered in the course. Describe the evolution of a current social issue, highlighting how the policy/instrument has emerged, changed and developed over time, and which actors support/oppose it. Between 3,600 and 4,400 words. Deadline: January 10, 2024.
Oral exam (45%)
Class participation (10%)
Interactive course: questions and answers (including "My week in Europe" at the beginning of each course, briefly introduced by students).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations

Master [120] in European Studies

Master [60] in Political Sciences: General

Master [120] in Public Administration

Master [120] in Political Sciences: General