French - General course (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar) - Objective A1

lfran1001  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - General course (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar) - Objective A1
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Brodkom Coline (compensates Masuy Françoise); Masuy Françoise; Neuenschwander Valérie (coordinator);
To know the French alphabet.
Main themes
Family, close relationships, work, shopping, accommodation, public places, leisure, public transport, everyday life, health, housing, food, countries, cities, weather, greetings.
  • Grammar: nouns, adjectives,  articles,  c'est/ il y a  (there is) simple present and present progressive, positive and negative statements,  near future with aller, recent past, interrogative, hours.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • Listening - Reading
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type (menu, advertisements, prospectuses, reference lists and timetables).
  • Speaking - Writing
Can introduce him/herself and others. Can write and talk about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
  • Interacting
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

At the beginning of the course, students get familiar with the French pronunciation. Intonation, tone, stress, rhythm as well as the International Phonetic Alphabet are introduced and practiced in a ludic way. 
Students first improve their listening and speaking skills with the help of pictures and with online dialogues.
The syllabus presents familiar situations  (asking for  information at university, about, describing accommodation, shopping, and other everyday life issues).
The writing and reading skills are developed once students are familiar with French pronunciation.
The course is interactive and cooperative.
Besides the syllabus, students have access to on-line exercises on the Intranet (platform Moodle).  
Teaching methods
This course is based on cooperative learning and project-based approach. Students are involved into several everyday tasks and acquire a better knowledge of the language as they improve their communicative skills.
Some sessions may be organized remotely, on Teams, depending on the educational objectives 
Evaluation methods
Certification is made up of a continuous assessment component and a performance in the examination session.
Absence (justified or not) from the examination or one of its parts will result in a final mark of absence (justified or not).
Continuous assessment tasks may not be submitted (for the first time) after the deadline set by the teacher, except in the case of a medical certificate.
The final exam mark is made up of 5 parts:
  •     a language proficiency test (10%)
    a final exam in week 13 or during the January, June or August session, covering the 4 skills:
  •     reading (15%)
  •     listening (15%)
  •     writing (15%)
  •     speaking (15%)
In the event of failure (mark below 50%) in at least 1 of the 5 parts of the examination, the mark for the weakest part will be applied to the whole examination:
If the student fails the language section (mark below 50%): the student is given the opportunity to retake the test once only, before the final exam day, after receiving formative feedback following the first sitting.
If a student fails one or more competencies in the final exam (mark below 50%): the student who sits the final exam in August has the option of sitting the failed competency(s) OR the entire test if he/she wishes to improve his/her mark.
No continuous assessment tasks may be submitted during the August session.
Other information
Opened to the students enrolled at UCLouvain as well as to the members of staff.
This course corresponds to A1 level of the common European Framework of reference
Training staf.
Normally, a group of about 20 students.
The teacher is available during his reception hour and can be contacted by email.
Online resources
Support du cours :
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus LFRAN 1001 (Objectif A1). Ma nouvelle vie en français
  • Plate-forme
Faculty or entity