French - Pronunciation

lfran1203  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - Pronunciation
3.00 credits
30.0 h

  This learning unit is not being organized during year 2024-2025.

To take this class, the student must be enrolled at the same semester in the general course LFRAN 1201, or having achieved previously a minimum mark of 10/20 on the course LFRAN1201.
Main themes
To introduce oneself and others, to speak about family members, studies and education, to share experience, to describe and explain hobbies, to organize a visit, to give instructions, to ask questions in restaurants and shops.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of the course, students have become 'basic users' and have acquired skills in : 
    1 Listening
    • Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
    • Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g.very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
    2 Speaking
    • Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points.
    • Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment e.g. people, places, a job or study experience.
    • Can give short, basic descriptions of events, activities and belongings.
    • Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past activities and personal experiences
    3 Interacting
    • Can use simple descriptive language to make brief statements about and compare objects and possessions.
    • Can explain what he/she likes or dislikes about something.
    • Can describe his/her family, living conditions, educational background, present or most recent job.
    • Can describe people, places and possessions in simple terms.
    • Can discuss what to do, where to go and make arrangements to meet.
    The course is divided into several thematic units. Each unit focuses on listening and pronunciation exercises (prosody).
    After warming-up, students will be involved into everyday situations that require specific communicative skills. Topics deal with several areas (personal, public, professional, educational).
    Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are used to perform a specific task.
    Throughout the themes, students will be able to use the present of the indicative, the imperative, the compound past (time and aspect), the future and the infinitive, certain values of the  conditional and the imperfect indicative. 
    The use of pronouns and negation will be practised in context.
    Teaching methods
    This inter-faculty course is intended for all international students and UCL members. This course favours direct contact between students and personalised interactions with the teacher. It varies methodological approaches and values several aspects of learning such as :
    • creativity and self-expression;
    • cooperative learning and project-based approach;
    • peer-to-peer learning;
    • grammar, listening and pronunciation strategies;
    • transparency of objectives and assessment;
    • online learning platform Moodle.
    The course takes place face-to-face, but some activities / sessions could take place on Teams if the distance offers educational added value.
    Evaluation methods
    Continue assesment (during the semester)
    • Assessment (during the semester) = 50
    Continuous evaluation tasks may not be submitted (for the first time) after the deadline set by the teacher, except in the case of a medical certificate.
    No continuous assessment tasks may be presented during the August session.
    • Final exam = 50
    An absence (justified or not) for the final exam (or one of its parts) will result in a final mark of absence.
    The student who represents the final exam in August has the choice of representing the failed competency(ies) OR the entire exam if he/she wishes to improve his/her grade. He/she must explicitly communicate his/her choice to the professor no later than the first day of the session.
    Other information
    Opened to the students enrolled at UCL as well as to the members of staff.
    The students must attend course  LFRAN 1201  (or have already passed it) or attest an A2 level.
    Online resources
    • Plateforme Moodle (la clé d'inscription sera communiquée lors du premier cours)
    Pour aller plus loin :
    • J. Bady et Allii. Conjugaison. 350 exercices. 1000 verbes à conjuguer, Hachette français langue étrangère ;
    • D. Abry et M.-L. Chalaron. La grammaire des premiers temps. Volume 1. Presses universitaires de Grenoble ;
    • M. Grégoire. Grammaire progressive du français. Niveau débutant, CLE International ;
    • le site Internet
    Teaching materials
    • Plateforme Moodle (la clé d'inscription sera communiquée lors du premier cours)
    Faculty or entity