Observation and teaching placement in French as a first language

llafr9009  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Observation and teaching placement in French as a first language
3.00 credits
25.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

De Croix Severine (coordinator);
Have taken the course LROM2950 Didactics and practice of spoken French as the mother tongue
Main themes
The 25-hour internship is divided into two entities :
  • a. Observation and analysis of didactic practices (5 h): the student projects himself into taking charge of the class by observing the classes of his future students and of his internship supervisors;
  • b. Teaching internships (20h): the future teacher experiences the different points covered in the courses under the guidance of internship supervisors approved by UCLouvain.
These internships are divided into two parts, corresponding to two places and two different internship supervisors :
  • Duo course (10 h): course for two, alternating speaking (either during each hour, or from one hour to the next, each duettist giving at least 4 hours of lessons alone). Special emphasis is placed on the communicational and relational aspects of the act of teaching;
  • Solo teaching course (10 h): course which can either be the subject of a "didactic sequence" presented in a single class, or be divided between different classes.
The last or the last two internship lesson (s) is / are organized in the form of a supervision lesson and / or a public lesson.
For each internship that he or she has to do, the student will give at the beginning of the year to his internship director the list of his preferences among the establishments and the internship supervisors that will be offered to him. Once his internships have been allocated to him or her, he or she will agree with each of his internship supervisors on the modalities of the observation internships and active lessons. He or she will also agree with his internship supervisors on the themes and schedule of his internships. Before starting an internship, he or she will submit his or her lesson preparation project to the internship supervisor who will discuss with him or her any changes to be made.
Teaching methods
Type of education: the teaching practice of the same student will be divided as much as possible between different types of education. Alternation of teaching pratice and courses: the teaching practices are closely linked to the courses and are organized in alternation with them.
Evaluation methods
Each internship is evaluated progressively in a formative manner through the daily remarks and advice of the internship supervisor; once completed, it is assessed for certification. The internship supervisor presents his evaluation to the student. during an interview.
Finally, all internships are subject to a final certification evaluation which takes the form of a public lesson presented to a jury made up of university teachers from the training courses concerned.
Students are invited to carefully read the documents concerning the evaluation of the internship in the language concerned as well as concerning a possible reduction in the number of internship hours for students with experience significant prerequisite as a teacher.
Other information
A folder containing observation and assessment tables, all necessary information and helpful documents is available for students. 
Online resources
The moodle platform is used on a regular basis (course code LLAFR9009).
Une bibliographie d’ouvrages, de manuels et d’articles utiles pour préparer les stages sera communiquée dans le cadre du cours LROM2950 Didactique du français langue première et pratique de l'oralité.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures