Dutch for Law students - Upper-intermediate level

lneer1822  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch for Law students - Upper-intermediate level
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Demeulenaere Isabelle (coordinator);
This teaching unit being of upper-intermediate level, a good productive command of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as the command of the language skills as described in the teaching unit of intermediate level (LNEER1821) are required.
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
Main themes
This teaching unit is based on written and spoken texts concerned with contemporary and field-related subjects.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Reading Comprehension
  • to read in an autonomous way and to understand long authentic articles concerned with contemporary and field-related subjects in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
2 Listening Comprehension - Individual :
  • to follow and understand a presentation or a lecture provided the topic is reasonably familiar and field-related.
  • to understand most TV news and current affairs programs provided the topic is reasonably familiar and field-related.
Listening Comprehension - Interactive :
  • to understand most of what is said in a debate bearing on a familiar and field-related topic.
  • to understand what is said in an everyday conversation provided standard language is being used.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
3 Speaking Skills - Individual :
  • to express his/her opinions and to defend them.
  • to explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
  • to present briefly but clearly and fluently a field-related subject (after reading a text on that topic).
Speaking Skills - Interactive :
  • to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible provided the subject is familiar or field-related.
Level B1+of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
4 Code
  • Vocabulary : consolidation of basic vocabulary and extension of general as well as specific (field-related) vocabulary.
  • Grammar : consolidation of the understanding of specific Dutch structures (passive voice, inversion, subordination, 'voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord', 'er').
The use of vocabulary and grammar is seen from a communicative viewpoint. Nevertheless, accuracy is not neglected.

In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects.
This teaching unit involves  
  • the revision and extension of general vocabulary as well as specific (field-related) vocabulary,
  • the revision of specific Dutch structures (passive voice, inversion, subordination, "voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord", "er"). The understanding of these structures will be consolidated by means of oral and written exercices,
  • the training and development of reading, listening and speaking skills.
Teaching methods
  • Lessons in groups of max. 25 students.
  • Depending on the health context this course will be given in face-to-face mode.
  • Revision of basic vocabulary and extension of general vocabulary by means of e-learning (Wallangues.be - B1 and B2 levels), extension of general vocabulary by means of e-learning ( Moodle platform and course notes : 'Zelfstudie') as wel as of specific (field-related) vocabulary (course notes "Nederlands voor studenten in de Rechten - Hoger intermediair niveau"). In all cases the vocabulary is presented in context.
  • Revision of specific Dutch structures. They are presented in context; exercised and consolidated by means of oral and written exercises (some of these exercises will also have to be done at home by means of e-learning on the Moodle platform).
  • Training and development of reading and listening skills.The students will be presented with different reading/listening techniques and strategies (anticipating, guessing) to help them read texts in a rapid and efficient way. These techniques are applied to authentic written or spoken texts concerned with general as well as field-related subjects (course notes "Nederlands voor studenten in de Rechten - Hoger intermediair niveau"). The specific vocabulary will be presented and consolidated by means of these field-related texts. Additional exercises will have to be done at home (e-learning on the Moodle platform).
  • The speaking skill will be exercised through non interactive production (reading aloud , commenting a text, answering the questions asked about the text, grammar exercises designed to consolidate the mastery of the structures) and through interactive exercises (role plays, debates, presentations..).
    The students will also have to take part in a Tandem project in partnership with the KU Leuven.
Evaluation methods
  • A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
    Possibility to obtain an exemption: the students who get 15/20 (or more) at the placement test, will be given the possibility of taking an exemption test. Provided they obtain at least 12/20 at this test, they can be exempted from the course and the exam.
  • Self-evaluation tests (Moodle platform).
  • Depending on the health context and the availability of large auditoriums, paper-based and oral assessments can be postponed to the session and/or can be done on PC (e.g. on Teams). Also depending on the health context, the Tandem project could be replaced by presentations made during the course. These presentations would then be the subject of the oral examination.
        The aim of assessment is to measure the achievement of the learning outcomes
  • First term
  •  Partial examination in week 14 on the subjects of the first term (basic vocabulary + structures and texts). This partial examination accounts for 30% of the final assessment.
  • Second term :
  • Written test on "Zelfstudie" (vocabulary and listening comprehension). This test counts for 10 % in the final assessment
  • Evaluation of the Tandem project portfolio. This learning activity accounts for 10% of the final grade.
  • June session:
    Written exam on the subjects of the second term (reading comprehension and legal vocabulary). This exam counts for 35 % in the final assessment,
    REMINDER: written exam on the subjects of the first term if the mark obtained was inferior to 10/20
    Oral exam on the subjects dealt with in class during the second term. This exam counts for 15 % of the final assessment.
The exam of the September session bears on all the subjects of the teaching unit : basic vocabulary + structures and texts of  the first term (30 %), vocabulary and listening comprehension of "Zelfstudie" (10 %), reading comprehension and legal vocabulary (35 %), oral exam (15 %). The mark obtained for the portfolio of the Tandem project will be taken into account up to 10 % provided it is to the advantage of the student.
In june or september, absence from one of the two partial examinations or from the oral exam will result in a final mark of absence.
Online resources
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus: "Nederlands voor studenten in de Rechten - niveau intermediaire, 2nd degré"
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law