Experimental design in biomedical sciences

wsbim1313  2024-2025  Bruxelles Woluwe

Experimental design in biomedical sciences
4.00 credits
40.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
The course is given in French. It begins with a joint information session defining its objectives and procedures, followed by around two weeks of theoretical teaching given in parallel by each lecturer on the essential knowledge of their field of research and the methodologies that have enabled them to gain access to it. Students choose to follow a workshop in one of the research areas presented to them. During this workshop, they will work on the elaboration and writing of a research project, which they will write and defend individually.
Teaching methods
This course combines several teaching methods. The first few weeks are devoted to theoretical lectures. In the workshop part, the teacher supervises groups of around 4 students who have to identify a research question that can be the subject of a research project, and write it up according to very precise specifications. The teacher helps the students to define an original and relevant research question, provides the essential information for the students to understand and describe in detail the experimental approaches that will enable them to test their research hypotheses, organised according to a rigorous chronology. It assists students in their search for relevant bibliographical information.
Students will be expected to put a great deal of personal effort into writing their individual research projects.
Evaluation methods
Assessment will be based on the skills acquired during the workshop (A), the quality of the written research project (B) and its oral defence before the examination board (C). The final mark is the average of the marks obtained for the three parts (A, B, C). If for one of the three parts the mark is equal to or less than 7/20, the subject will be deemed not to have been acquired and the overall mark will not exceed 9/20, even if the arithmetic average of the three parts reaches 10/20.
Other information
Prerequisites: basic knowledge of biochemistry, cell biology, cell physiology, molecular biology and genetics
Online resources
Resources available on the course's Moodle site. These resources include information on the practical organisation of the course and bibliographical resources (articles, journal articles, methodological articles). Support for each teacher's theoretical sessions is also available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Biomedicine