English I

bhdpo1190  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English I
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Fontana Milena; Longrée Françoise (coordinator); Ochsenmeier Erwin (coordinator);
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The objective of the English team in Bloc 1 is to facilitate you progress from a lower intermediate (A2) level of English to an intermediate level (B1).Interactive classes in combination with home preparations will help you improve both your lexical competence and grammar knowledge as well as your other skills: speaking (top-priority), listening i.e. understanding spoken and written English (press file).
- How to ‘Communicate in English’
- Press File.
- Basic Grammar revision (self-study and exercises in class). 

The following topics will be covered :
- Socializing
- Social Media (Facebook,…)
- Telephoning
- Phonetics
- How to write an e-mail
- The British Press
- How to find a job (Introduction to the Language of Companies)
Teaching methods
HDPO1190A - English I - Q1 [1 Q. • 18 Th. • Pond. : 40%
HDPO1190B - English I - Q2 [2 Q. • 18 Th. • Pond. : 60%
* Interactive Teaching Approach
The terms and conditions of the written exemption test will be communicated by the Administration at the very beginning of the year. This test is organised only once at the beginning of the academic year. It is optional and is only for good students.
A result of 16/20 and above will result in exemption from the course. 
Evaluation methods
The mark /20 is calculated as follows:
- Oral part: 10 points
It is based on observation throughout the year and a summary test in April/May.
It is very important to note that the student must be as active as possible during the interactive lessons. Their participation, knowledge of vocabulary, mastery of oral exercises, etc., will be observed throughout the year.
- Written part: 10 points
Basic grammar (self-study), listening comprehension, vocabulary.
Assessment here is based on regular tests and two exams, one in December, the other in May.
- Q1 and Q2.
Q1: The December exams (written) are worth 40% of points (Q1 score). A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year. The result is recorded on the January report card.
Q2: The May exams (written + oral), together with continuous assessment throughout the year (participation, assignments - press kit, etc.), make up the mark for Q2. This mark is worth 60% of the points.
A mark of 10/20 or above is equivalent to exemption from this subject for the year.
Other information
Participation in interactive classes is strongly recommended.
 If an exam takes place during absences, the grade will be 0 for this exam.
To validate this UE, all the tests or examinations must be passed (oral and written). An absence (OA) or failing grade (O) in one of these parts of the examination may result in a 0A or O in the total for the UE.
Online resources
Moodle page : BHDPO1190 - Anglais I
La bibliographie du syllabus est intégrée à chaque chapitre du syllabus de ce cours;
Pour écrire cette fiche, l'IA www.deepl.com fut utilisée pour les traductions.
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus BHDPO1190 - Anglais I - 2024-2025
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Political Sciences (shift schedule)