English for Students in Sciences (Upper-Intermediate level)

lang1863  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

English for Students in Sciences (Upper-Intermediate level)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
2.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Adrioueche Ahmed (coordinator); Avery Catherine (coordinator); Dumont Amandine (coordinator); Jacob Sandrine (coordinator); Serbest Nevin; Stas Françoise;
The student should have followed the intermediate-level course (LANG1862) or a course of a similar level, corresponding to the Upper B1 level of the 'Common European Framework for Languages' (European Council)

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Reading Comprehension
Students should be able to read autonomously and understand in detail factual texts and specialised articles related to their field of studies.
Level: C1
    2 Listening Comprehension - Individual
    • Students should be able to understand conferences and extended speeches and follow complex argumentation.
    • Students should be able to exploit the main points of a document in a conversation.
    Listening Comprehension - Interactive
    Students should be able to follow argumentation in an animated conversation between different interlocutors within the main socio-professional contexts.
    Level: B2
    3 Speaking Skills - Individual
    Students should be able to present a complex topic in a clear and methodical way with only occasional reference to their notes.
    Speaking Skills - Interactive
    • Students should be able to communicate spontaneously and fluently to a degree that allows for normal interaction with a native-speaker interlocutor.
    • Student should be able to express, articulate and defend their opinions and should be able to react to and interact with their interlocutors in conversations on both social and professional levels.
    Level: B2
      4 Writing Skills
      • Students should be able to write a letter of application and a CV (GEO13 ' PHYS13 ' CHIM13)
      • Students should be able to write a clear e-mail message while covering all of the necessary points (GEO13 ' PHYS13 ' CHIM13)
      • Students should be able to produce a short written presentation on a subject related to their field of studies.
      • Students should be able to express and develop their point of view on a subject related to their field of studies.
      Productive English course
      Teaching methods
      • Courses and individual coaching sessions
      • Use of an Elearning platform (Moodle)
      Evaluation methods
      Continuous assessment (summative and formative):
      • Classroom participation
      • Classroom presentations
      Oral exam
      Online resources
      Faculty or entity

      Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

      Title of the programme
      Learning outcomes
      Bachelor in Chemistry

      Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine

      Bachelor in Biology

      Bachelor in Mathematics

      Bachelor in Physics

      Bachelor in Geography : General