Economics II

becge1111  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Economics II
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
45.0 h + 22.5 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

  • define and explain the main macroeconomic concepts and aggregates, particularly those relating to the measurement of (changes in) economic activity and prices, employment and unemployment.
  • Explain how these concepts are constructed and measured, and what their advantages and limitations are
  • Use these concepts in application exercises
  • Carry out simple data analysis in relation to these concepts: this means being able to
    • search for data relating to these concepts in a given country,
    • manipulate and transform them using excel software
    • present and comment on them in a relevant form in a brief report
  • Identify and explain key relationships that may exist between different macroeconomic variables
  • Use simple graphical and/or algebraic versions of macroeconomic models (such as the aggregate supply aggregate demand model or the Solow model) which formalise these relationships: this means being able to
    • explain the assumptions of these models and their roles
    • identify and discuss the results put forward by these models
    • use them to study the consequences of shocks or macroeconomic policies
    • use them to discuss topical issues 
I refer the reader to the course description of ECGE1114 Economics 2, which is taught in English and is equivalent to ECGE1111 Economie 2.
Teaching methods
I refer the reader to the course description of ECGE1114 Economics 2, which is taught in English and is equivalent to ECGE1111 Economie 2.
Ouvrage de référence identique à celui du cours d’Economie 1
Mankiw, Gregory et Mark Taylor (2019), Principes de l’Economie, de Boeck, collection Ouvertures économiques, 5ième édition.
Les éditions antérieures de cet ouvrage peuvent également convenir.
Tous les chapitres de macroéconomie de l’ouvrage de référence ne sont pas couverts par le cours. Pour les chapitres couverts par le cours, le cours est souvent d’un niveau plus avancé que celui de l’ouvrage de référence et plus proche de l’ouvrage suivant :
Mankiw, Gregory, Macroéconomie, de Boeck, collection Ouvertures économiques, 8ième édition.
Teaching materials
  • Transparents utilisés pendant le cours magistral
  • Enoncés de travaux pratiques
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Economics and Management

Bachelor : Business Engineering