
bespo1161  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

This course will introduce the students within the field of sociology by showing how it can clarify a wide variety of topics and issues. A recurrent theme however will be modernity. The problems it creates still characterize the challenges of present day society. A thorough questioning offering several interpretations of this matter will deal not only with the classics but also with more recent authors
This course contains 2 major parts. a) In the introduction we present sociology as an empirical science which distinguishes itself from other behavioral sciences like psychology and biology. Once the specificity of the sociological approach is clarified we tackle its central notions. b) The second part focuses on the central question within the discipline: how to understand the changes of modernity that shake up our society ? Hence we introduce the founding fathers and update their work by referring to more recent authors: Marx & Piketty, Durkheim & Merton, Weber & Boltanski, Bourdieu & Wacquant, Goffman/Becker & Butker. Overall, the course will give an overview of the major trends that mark modern society: secularization, postindustrial society, post materialism, globalization, the power of equality and sustainable development.
Teaching methods
This course starts with ex cathedra lectures and invites the students to participate in an active way. Several texts will be uploaded on Moodle. As external source we refer to the manual van Hoof, Jacques & Joris van Ruysseveldt (red.) Sociologie en de moderne samenleving. Students are invited to read the texts beforehand. The chapters that are not based on the manual, will be outlined in a written text that can be found on Moodle. For the whole course, power point presentations will be uploaded on the same digital platform. All this material comes as a support, yet it remains mandatory to attend class and take notes.
Evaluation methods
Oral exam. The relative weight will be the following: 2 open questions (15/20) + personal reading (prepared in advance, 5/20).
Le manuel dont des passages seront sélectionnés pour la préparation des séances:

• van Hoof, Jacques en Joris van Ruysseveldt (red.) Sociologie en de Moderne Samenleving. Maatschappelijke veranderingen van de industriële omwenteling tot in de 21ste eeuw. Amsterdam: Boom.

Lecture obligatoire additionnel, un livre à choisir parmi ceux-ci:

• Aziz, Rachida (2017) Niemand zal hier slapen vannacht. Berchem: EPO.

• De Grauwe, Paul (2014(2020)) De Limieten van de Markt. De slinger tussen Overheid en Kapitalisme. Tielt: Lannoo.

• Hens, Tine (2015) Het klein Verzet. Berchem: EPO.

Un podcast à écouter hebdomadairement: Interne Keuken Radio 1 ( et toutes les 2/3 semaines : PLAN B (
Teaching materials
  • van Hoof, Jacques en Joris van Ruysseveldt (red.) Sociologie en de Moderne Samenleving. Maatschappelijke veranderingen van de industriële omwenteling tot in de 21ste eeuw. Amsterdam: Boom.
  • Textes sur Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Philosophy

Bachelor in History

Bachelor in Information and Communication (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor in Economics and Management (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor : Business Engineering (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology (French-Dutch-English)

Bachelor in Political Sciences (French-Dutch-English)