Sign Language : introduction to translation and interpreting

bmhls1231  2025-2026  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Sign Language : introduction to translation and interpreting
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing this Unit in Translation into A (LSFB into French, 60 hours), students should be able to:- Translate a general text in the source language - LSFB Video) into the target language (French) and respect grammatical, lexical, syntactic, phraseological and punctuation rules;
- Use appropriate translation techniques in order to resolve any difficulties inherent in a source text and develop awareness of the nature of the translation process;
- To this end, use the resources available (paper and electronic) and evaluate their reliability;
- Where appropriate, include explanatory notes with their translation;
- Save their work, submit it in the required format and to the deadline set.
Translation exercises of increasing difficulty and with a particular focus on selected difficulties that face translators translating from LSFB into French that is, transferring meaning from a visual language (in 3D) into a written language.
Inn the second quadrimestre, sight-trannslation will be corrected individually.
Teaching methods
Learning activities focused on LSFB-specific translation problems;
Applied translation exercises - Corpus study and critical commentary;
Viewing of a range of videos and highlighting the cultural references they contain and the skills needed on the part of the professional translator;
Descriptive approach to translation.
Evaluation methods
Intermediate evaluation (30%): written translation test with commentary based on a corpus analysed beforehand in terms of comprehension.
Final evaluation (70%): written test of a LSFB corpus
Sight transaltion : continuous certification assessment subject to the student having submitted at least three tests. This assessment will represent 25% of the second quadrimestre’s score.
August session, alone. e student. e in failure for the whole of the note MHLS1231 must represent the failed part or parts: translation of a text-video into written French and/or sight translation of a text-video corpus into oral french.
If you fail the AA MHLS1231B, you are invited to consult the detailed notes on the MOODLE page of the course. A score of 10/20 or higher for one part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and therefore cannot be represented again if all parts have been presented. In the event of absence or attendance at one of the parties, there will be no note deferral.
An unjustified absence of more than three sessions or an unjustified defect in the timely delivery of written work may lead to an objection to registration for the examination concerned.
Other information
An unjustified absence of more than three sessions or an unjustified defect in the timely delivery of written work may lead to an objection to registration for the examination concerned.
Lectures recommandées :
•FRANCOIS D, HULIN I, JAMART M-T, Du signe à la plume, Presses universitaires de Namur, Presses universitaires Saint-Louis, Namur, 2017
• ECO Umberto, Dire presque la même chose, Grasset, 2007,
• Sourds, surdité, langue(s) des signes et épistémologie des sciences du langage. Problématiques de la scripturalisation et modélisation des bas niveaux en langue des signes française (LSF)- Université de Paris 8—Saint-Denis, École Doctorale n° 224 « Cognition, Langage, Interaction » U.F.R. de Sciences du Langage - Brigitte Garcia - 2010
• GACHE P, Traduction français écrit - langue des signes vidéos, 2005

Sites internet:
Journal « Flash 5 »
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting