The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2025-2026
LARKO2372 Archaeology and history of the art of Rome and the Roman provinces
Main themes
The seminar focuses on specific problems of interpretation in relation to the use of archaeological sources for the reconstruction of social and political relations during the Iron Age and the historical period; the geographical context studied covers pre-Roman and Roman Italy, as well as the provinces of the Roman Empire.
The seminar will focus on Roman sanctuaries. Several aspects of the question will be analysed, including the analysis of material culture and divinatory practices in relation to iconographic, literary and epigraphic sources.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in a series of lectures hold by the teacher or by invited speakers alternated with seminar sessions around particular issues presented at the beginning of the seminar. Students are invited to prepare for the lessons by the reading of some papers or extracts from books and monographies (the list will be furnished at the beginning of the semester). Students are invited to participate actively to the seminars preparing oral presentations of a personal research. The seminar may also take the form of an in-depth analysis of papers on a specific subject with a presentation (PPT) by the students. The seminar could involve some excursions, if certain conditions regarding the funding and the agenda will be fulfilled.
Evaluation methods
Continuous evaluation during the seminar (50% points) and personal paper following a presentation by the student (50%).
Online resources
Pdfs of the courses and bibliography
Liste bibliographique fournie par l'enseignant pendant le cours. Pour une éventuelle préparation préalable, les ouvrages conseillés sont :
- C. Addey. Divination and Knowledge in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Routledge, London and New York 2022
- F. Coarelli, I santuari del Lazio in età repubblicana, NIS, Roma 1987
- J. Scheid, La religion des Romains, Armand Colin, Malakoff 2019
Faculty or entity