The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
22.5 h
To study the meaning of the sign, the relationships it induces, the cognitive mechanisms it calls upon and the interpretations of which it is the object and at the same time constitutes, the course considers the vocabulary and concepts of semiotics according to three objectives: a theoretical objective (to understand and articulate the theoretical concepts of semiotics); a methodological objective (to build analytical grids applicable to different sign systems such as a text, an image, an advertisement, a video game, etc.); a practical objective (to apply these grids to describe and interpret a sign system). ); a practical objective (to apply these grids to describe and interpret a sign system).
The following concepts (non-exhaustive list) will be studied, put into perspective and applied: langage / langue / parole (Saussure), signifiant, signifié et référent (Barthes), interprétant et processus sémiotique (Peirce), schéma de la communication (Jakobson), énoncé et énonciation (Benveniste), sèmes et isotopies (Rastier), narrativité du signe (Paolucci), ergodicité (Poulin), balance MES (Wong), encyclopédie (Eco), connotation et dénotation (Barthes), syntagme / paradigme / variation paradigmatique (Jakobson), code et message (Todorov), indice et signal (Priéto), contiguïté et substitution (Jakobson), abduction (Peirce), communication pertinente (Sperber & Wilson), métaphore conceptuelle (Lakoff & Johnson), contenu et relation (Bateson), embrayeurs (Jakobson), direction d’ajustement (Searle), actes de langage (Austin), etc.
The following concepts (non-exhaustive list) will be studied, put into perspective and applied: langage / langue / parole (Saussure), signifiant, signifié et référent (Barthes), interprétant et processus sémiotique (Peirce), schéma de la communication (Jakobson), énoncé et énonciation (Benveniste), sèmes et isotopies (Rastier), narrativité du signe (Paolucci), ergodicité (Poulin), balance MES (Wong), encyclopédie (Eco), connotation et dénotation (Barthes), syntagme / paradigme / variation paradigmatique (Jakobson), code et message (Todorov), indice et signal (Priéto), contiguïté et substitution (Jakobson), abduction (Peirce), communication pertinente (Sperber & Wilson), métaphore conceptuelle (Lakoff & Johnson), contenu et relation (Bateson), embrayeurs (Jakobson), direction d’ajustement (Searle), actes de langage (Austin), etc.
Teaching methods
Theoretical presentations, discussions with students (participation encouraged), case studies and large-group analysis exercises, as well as a revision module to prepare for the exam, constitute the main methods of the course. Additional readings will be suggested throughout the course, and review questions will be distributed regularly to help students synthesize the course.
Evaluation methods
January session: the 20-point examination is divided into two parts:
- An MCQ (multiple-choice question) section, worth 15 points, assesses understanding of concepts and the ability to mobilize them to solve problems or describe a semiotic process;
- An open-ended question, for 5 points, assesses the ability to mobilize concepts and methods worked on during the course to interpret a sign or system of signs in a relevant and well-founded way.
Other information
This course is part of the minor in information and communication. It provides the theoretical basis for the course LCOMU1316 Semiotic Approaches in Communication which focuses on the methodology and analysis tools used in this field.
Online resources
Page on Moodle.
Bien qu’il en actualise les concepts, les méthodes et les exemples, le cours s’appuie sur l’ouvrage suivant : Verhaegen, P. (2010). Signe et communication. De Boeck Supérieur. La lecture est recommandée mais non obligatoire.
Teaching materials
- Documents et slides mis à disposition sur le site du cours
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Information and Communication
Minor in French Studies (only available for reenrolment and ELAL Bachelor transitional programmes)
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English
Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
Minor in Linguistics (only available for reenrolment)
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General