The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
22.5 h
This course is not offered in 2024-2025
Course content
This course provides an introduction to game studies and the critical analysis of video games as cultural and media objects. It is structured around three main themes:- Discovering the scientific literature in game studies, with a particular focus on fundamental theories and concepts.
- Exploration of methods for analyzing video games, including critical, structural and ludic approaches.
- Practical application of analytical skills through case studies of specific video games.
Teaching methods
This course is not offered in 2024-2025
Teaching methods
- Reading and critical analysis: students will read scientific articles on video games and take part in class discussions.
- Practical work in the computer room: live analysis of video games.
- Video analysis: students will use the Flip platform to produce video analyses of video games.
- Collaborative bibliography: creation of a collective bibliography on Zotero.
- Final assignment: writing a mini-article inspired by the approaches in Introduction aux Théories des Jeux vidéo , co-edited by Sébastien Genvo and Thibault Philippette.
Evaluation methods
This course is not offered in 2024-2025
At the end of this course, students will be able to:- Critically analyze video games based on theoretical concepts (level: evaluation).
- Apply video game analysis methods to draw relevant conclusions (level: application).
- Develop a relevant scientific bibliography on a theme related to game studies (level: synthesis).
- Collaborate with peers to create a collective bibliography and cross-analyses (level: collaboration).
- Communicate a critical analysis using a variety of formats (e.g. video and academic article) (level: creation).
Assessment of prior learning
- Class participation (20%): active participation in discussions and group activities.
- Video analysis on Flip (20%): production of one or more critical video analyses of a video game, based on the theoretical concepts covered.
- Contribution to the Zotero bibliography (20%): participation in the creation of an annotated bibliography on Zotero.
- Final mini-article (40%): writing of an academic article on a transversal theme, structured as follows (cf. articles in Introduction aux Théories des Jeux vidéo):
- Theoretical introduction
- 2-3 case studies (empirical mini-research with own data)
- Conclusion
- Annotated bibliography
- "Further reading (additional resources)
Second session: completion of a more substantial project than the mini-article for 100% of the grade (see Moodle instructions).
Other information
This course is not offered in 2024-2025
Use of artificial intelligence (AI)
The use of generative AIs (such as ChatGPT, Bard, or others) is governed by the principles of responsibility, transparency and authenticity:- Authorized use without mention: Students may use generative AIs for linguistic assistance tasks, such as grammatical or spelling correction, reformulation and translation. However, the tool must not add content not authored by the student.
- Authorized use with compulsory mention: If a student uses AI-generated content (text, image, etc.) or translates text directly via an AI without substantial revision, this must be explicitly mentioned in the assignment, in accordance with academic citation rules.
- Prohibited use: Any use of an AI that prevents verification or assessment of the student's personal learning is prohibited. This includes the unmentioned use of AI-generated content or the submission of work where the AI has produced a significant proportion of the content without human review.
Online resources
This course is not offered in 2024-2025
See Moodle
Alvarez, J., & Djaouti, D. (2010). An introduction to serious game design: Using gameplay bricks to design meaningful games. Ludoscience.
Bonenfant, M. (2017). Pour une approche communicationnelle des jeux vidéo : quelques enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques. Sciences du jeu, 7.
Consalvo, M., & Dutton, N. (2006). Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games. Game Studies, 6(1).
Fernández-Vara, C. (2015). Introduction to game analysis. Routledge.
Flanagan, M., & Nissenbaum, H. (2014). Values at play in digital games. MIT Press.
Genvo, S., & Philippette, T. (Éd.). (2020). Introduction aux théories des jeux vidéo. Presses universitaires de Liège.
Genvo, S. (2013). Le game design de jeux vidéo : Approches de l'expression vidéoludique. L'Harmattan.
Juul, J. (2005). Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. MIT Press.
Juul, J. (2013). The art of failure: An essay on the pain of playing video games. MIT Press.
Lejacq, Y. (2015). Le concept de retrogaming : Pratiques et identités au croisement de l’histoire et de la culture du jeu vidéo. Sciences du jeu, 3.
Montembault, A. (2018). L’accessibilité des jeux vidéo : Dispositifs, acteurs et conception. Sciences du jeu, 9.
Rufat, S. (2012). La ville dans les jeux vidéo : Regards croisés sur la production vidéoludique. Sciences du jeu, 1.
Salen, K., & Zimmerman, E. (2004). Rules of play: Game design fundamentals. MIT Press.
Sicart, M. (2014). Play matters. MIT Press.
Sicart, M. (2009). The ethics of computer games. MIT Press.
Taylor, T. L. (2006). Play between worlds: Exploring online game culture. MIT Press.
Taylor, T. L. (2009). Communities of play: Emergent cultures in multiplayer games and virtual worlds. MIT Press.
Triclot, M. (2011). Philosophie des jeux vidéo. Zones.
Whalen, Z., & Taylor, L. N. (Eds.). (2008). Playing the past: History and nostalgia in video games. Vanderbilt University Press.
Wolf, M. J. P., & Perron, B. (Eds.). (2003). The video game theory reader. Routledge.
Zagal, J. P. (2010). Ludoliteracy: Defining, understanding, and supporting games education. ETC Press.
Zagal, J. P., Fernández-Vara, C., & Mateas, M. (2007). Rethinking immersion: Narrative causality and consistency in the attention economy. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 1(1), 14-35.
Alvarez, J., & Djaouti, D. (2010). An introduction to serious game design: Using gameplay bricks to design meaningful games. Ludoscience.
Bonenfant, M. (2017). Pour une approche communicationnelle des jeux vidéo : quelques enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques. Sciences du jeu, 7.
Consalvo, M., & Dutton, N. (2006). Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games. Game Studies, 6(1).
Fernández-Vara, C. (2015). Introduction to game analysis. Routledge.
Flanagan, M., & Nissenbaum, H. (2014). Values at play in digital games. MIT Press.
Genvo, S., & Philippette, T. (Éd.). (2020). Introduction aux théories des jeux vidéo. Presses universitaires de Liège.
Genvo, S. (2013). Le game design de jeux vidéo : Approches de l'expression vidéoludique. L'Harmattan.
Juul, J. (2005). Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. MIT Press.
Juul, J. (2013). The art of failure: An essay on the pain of playing video games. MIT Press.
Lejacq, Y. (2015). Le concept de retrogaming : Pratiques et identités au croisement de l’histoire et de la culture du jeu vidéo. Sciences du jeu, 3.
Montembault, A. (2018). L’accessibilité des jeux vidéo : Dispositifs, acteurs et conception. Sciences du jeu, 9.
Rufat, S. (2012). La ville dans les jeux vidéo : Regards croisés sur la production vidéoludique. Sciences du jeu, 1.
Salen, K., & Zimmerman, E. (2004). Rules of play: Game design fundamentals. MIT Press.
Sicart, M. (2014). Play matters. MIT Press.
Sicart, M. (2009). The ethics of computer games. MIT Press.
Taylor, T. L. (2006). Play between worlds: Exploring online game culture. MIT Press.
Taylor, T. L. (2009). Communities of play: Emergent cultures in multiplayer games and virtual worlds. MIT Press.
Triclot, M. (2011). Philosophie des jeux vidéo. Zones.
Whalen, Z., & Taylor, L. N. (Eds.). (2008). Playing the past: History and nostalgia in video games. Vanderbilt University Press.
Wolf, M. J. P., & Perron, B. (Eds.). (2003). The video game theory reader. Routledge.
Zagal, J. P. (2010). Ludoliteracy: Defining, understanding, and supporting games education. ETC Press.
Zagal, J. P., Fernández-Vara, C., & Mateas, M. (2007). Rethinking immersion: Narrative causality and consistency in the attention economy. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 1(1), 14-35.
Teaching materials
- Introduction aux Théories des Jeux Vidéo (S. Genvo et T. Philippette, dir.)
Faculty or entity