The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Louveaux Jérôme (coordinator); Vandendorpe Luc;
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
Ce cours suppose acquises les notions de base en télécommunications dispensées au travers des cours LELEC1360 Télécommunications et LELEC2795 Communication systems.
Main themes
Ce cours s’inscrit dans l’offre des cours ELEC en télécommunications. Il se focalise sur les questions d’estimation, de synchronisation, de détection et de localisation.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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- Continuous-phase frequency modulation and noncoherent demodulation
- Channel capacity, and capacity region for a multiple access channel
- Estimation
- Synchronization
- Tracking methods
- Geoloalization
- Coding gain, turbo-codes, turbo-equalization and turbo-synchronization
Teaching methods
The course is organized in
- 12 lectures
- 6-7 exercie sessions
- A simulation project, made in groups of 2 students and covering the equivalent of 6-7 exercice sessions.
Evaluation methods
The project is evaluated through a written report and an oral session including presentation and discussion of the results. This evaluation accounts to 1/3 of the final mark. It can not be performed in second session. The mark from the first session is kept in second session.
The students are evaluated individually through a written exam focusing on understanding, explanation and usage of concepts seen during the courses (but not based on restitution of content). This exam accounts for 2/3 of the final mark.
The students are evaluated individually through a written exam focusing on understanding, explanation and usage of concepts seen during the courses (but not based on restitution of content). This exam accounts for 2/3 of the final mark.
Online resources
- Slides du cours
- Syllabus
- Enoncés des séances et du projet
Faculty or entity