The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
Main themes
- Experimental characterization of energy conversion technologies
- Introduction to the metrology specific to the energy systems
- Application of uncertainty analysis to energy systems
- Introduction to the safety aspects of lab work
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Contribution of the course to the program objectives (N°)
The course is centered on laboratories related to the field of energy. Several conversion technologies are avaialble and are the subjects of the labs:
- IC engines (CHP units)
- Gas turbines
- Wind turbines
- PV panels
- Heat pump
- Compressor
- Solar thermal
- Cooling technologies
- Batteries
- Fuel cell
Teaching methods
- Laboratory activities
- Formal lectures on the analysis and the reporting of experimental data
Evaluation methods
Evaluation methods :
The labs are only organised during the semester. The labs cannot be done during the summer. Based on Art. 78 of the RGEE, there is no August/September session for this course. The marks obtained in June are kept for the next session.
- Continuous assessment during the labs : 50% of the final grade
- Oral examination based on the lab reports (portfolio) / presentation by the students of some of their results to aswner questions asked by the teachers : 50% of the final grade
- The marks can be individualized for the different members of a group based on their effective participations to the activities during the semester and the oral examination.
The labs are only organised during the semester. The labs cannot be done during the summer. Based on Art. 78 of the RGEE, there is no August/September session for this course. The marks obtained in June are kept for the next session.
Faculty or entity