Formation and transformation of Spain (Middle Ages - Modern period)

lesp1183  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Formation and transformation of Spain (Middle Ages - Modern period)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h
Students have reached an A1 proficiency in Spanish  
Main themes
The first part of the course will provide an overview of the historical conditions in which the political, social and cultural life of the Iberian Peninsula (and in particular, the future Spain) developed: the medieval mosaic; the presence of three cultures (Christian, Arab and Jewish); the unification of peninsular kingdoms at the end of the 15th century. The second part will focus on the emergence of modern Spain. Emphasis will be placed on the mechanisms of its territorial expansion (conquest and administration of overseas territories: America, Africa, Asia), as well as the politico-religious influence of the Hispanic monarchy in Europe.  Wherever possible, the course will draw on historical evidence (iconographic, numismatic, documentary). 
This course will offer an overview of the history and cultural (artistic) production of medieval and modern Spain (up to the 18th century). 
Teaching methods
The course will use a reversed teaching approach (participants will have readings and exercises to do before each class session, which will focus on this preparatory work). 
Evaluation methods
A written examination will count for 100% of the final mark.  This will include multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, vocabulary questions and questions on the identification and contextualisation of documents and other historical evidence (coins, etc.).  
The examination arrangements for the September session will be the same. 
The assessment will be entirely in Spanish. 
Online resources
Most of the course's online resources will be housed and made accessible on the Moodle platform. 
  1. PowerPoint document of the course 
  2. Internet platforms for lexical and documentary resources : 
  • Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes ( 
  • Corpus del diccionario histórico de la lengua española ( 
  • Real Academia de la Historia ( 
  • Real Academia Española ( 
La bibliographie est complétée dans l'espace Moodle du cours.
Bibliographie de base:
1. En français : 
NOURRY, P. (2013). Histoire de l’Espagne. Des origines à nos jours. Éditions Tallandier
PÉREZ, J. (1999). HIstoire de l'Espagne. Fayard
2. Dicitionnaires visuels : 
PLAZA ESCUDERO, L., dir. (2014), Diccionario visual de términos arquitectónicos. Ediciones Cátedra, 
PLAZA ESCUDERO,  L. (2015). Diccionario visual de términos de arte. Ediciones Cátedra
3. Pour ceux qui ont un bon niveau en espagnol : 
GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR F., GONZÁLEZ, J.M. (2017), Breve historia de España. Alianza editorial
GARCÍA DE CORTÁZAR F. (2021). Paisajes de la historia de España. Espasa
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Spanish Studies (only available for reenrolment and ELAL Bachelor transitional programmes)

Minor in Medieval Studies

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Minor in Literary Studies