Dutch: Advanced Language Skills and Fluency II - (A)

lgerm1503a  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Dutch: Advanced Language Skills and Fluency II - (A)
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Level B2 of the Common Europea Framework of Reference for Languages
Main themes
A wide range of written texts and multimedia documents are used as a prompt for receptive and productive activities in both speech and writing. The focus is on vocabulary extension, grammatical accuracy and coherent argumentation. Special attention is devoted to intercultural communication. Lexical, grammatical and discursive differences between the target language and French are highlighted and practised through translation exercises.
Vocabulary extension with particular focus on its appropriate use in context (collocations, register).
Discursive and rhetorical techniques, typical of the target language.
Lexical and structural properties of written vs spoken discourse in the target language.
Teaching methods
The lecturing part of the course will focus on a systematic broadening of the lexical proficiency, the development of stylistic  and grammatical adequacy, use of different forms of discourse and the quality of translation.
The exercise part of the course will especially focus on productive oral and written proficiency (correct pronunciation, adequate use of the code, variety in register, vocabulary and fluency in communication).
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment: two written productions during the first semester). 
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with academic and scientific integrity practices.
The final grade for the January exam will be the average of the following grades: Continuous assessment (average of the grades of the two written papers of the semester) (/20), written exam (/60: 30 points for the exercises related to the theory seen in the course / 30 points for the essay [formal correction criterion: - 5 points for each mistake listed in the book 100 fautes]), oral exam/mastery of the oral language (/40)
The final score of the August exam will be the average of the following scores: written examination (/60: 30 points for the exercises related to the theory seen in the course / 30 points for the writing [formal correctness criterion: - 5 points for each mistake listed in the book 100 fautes]), oral examination/mastery of the oral language (/60)
  • S. Theissen, Ph. Hiligsmann & R. Lousberg, Nouveau dictionnaire contrastif des prépositions (français-néerlandais avec excercices), Brussel: De Boeck, 2003 (verkrijgbaar in de handel)
  • Ph. Hiligsmann & S. Theissen, Néerlandais intermédiare avancé. Expressions et proverbes, Brussel, De Boeck, 2008 (verkrijgbaar in de handel)
  • S. Theissen, Ph. Hiligsmann & L. Rasier, Dictionnaire contrastif français-néerlandais, Louvain-la-Neuve: PUL, 2013.
  • Ph. Hiligsmann, P. Degrave, K. Van Goethem & L. Rasier, 100 fautes. De Boeck, 3e édition, 2023.
  • Documenten beschikbaar op Moodle
Teaching materials
  • S. Theissen, Ph. Hiligsmann & L. Rasier, Dictionnaire contrastif français-néerlandais, Louvain-la-Neuve: PUL, 2013.
  • Ph. Hiligsmann, P. Degrave, K. Van Goethem & L. Rasier, 100 fautes. De Boeck, 3e édition, 2023.
  • Documenten beschikbaar op Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law