Language and texts: Middle Egyptian and traditional Egyptian A

lglor2623  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Language and texts: Middle Egyptian and traditional Egyptian A
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2025-2026
This course gives the opportunity to the students to deepen and broaden their knowledge and practice of Middle Egyptian acquired during the first cycle (BA). Questions relating to the Ancient Egyptian literature (historical and socio-political context, genres, textual registers, function and reception of the literary text) will also be addressed. The texts studied during the course are chosen in order to provide representative samples of various genres and reflect the richness and diversity of Egyptian textual sources. 
Teaching methods
The course is given in the form of an interactive seminar. It comprises the preliminary preparation of texts by the student before class, in-class group discussion of translations, analyses and commentary of the texts in their context. 
Evaluation methods
Evaluation is based on in-class participation (10%), continuous monitoring consisting in two short written tests (20% + 20% = 40%) and a final oral exam based on a preliminary written preparation (50%).
Other information
Use of AI: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with the practices of academic and scientific integrity. Since scientific integrity requires to cite sources, the use of AI must always be reported. The use of artificial intelligences for tasks where they are explicitly forbidden will be considered cheating
Grammaires :
C. Obsomer, Égyptien hiéroglyphique, Grammaire pratique du moyen égyptien, Bruxelles, Safran, 2009.
Dictionnaires :
R.O. Faulkner, A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Oxford, 1962
A. Erman & H. Grapow, Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, Bände I-V, Leipzig/Berlin, 1926-1963.
R. Hannig, Die Sprache der Pharaonen. Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch – Deutsch (2800-950 v. Chr.), 6. Auflage, Kultur und Geschichte der Antiken Welt 64, Mayence, 2015.
L. H. Lesko, A Dictionary of Late Egyptian, Berkeley, 1982-1990.
Lectures complémentaires :
Mathieu, Bernard 2023. La littérature de l'Égypte ancienne, II: Moyen Empire et Deuxième Période intermédiaire. Paris: Belles Lettres.
Lichtheim, Miriam 2019. Ancient Egyptian literature. Oakland, CA: University of California Press
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Master [60] in Ancient Languages and Literatures : Oriental Studies