Long-term internship (85 hours) and accompanying seminar in history

lhist9303  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Long-term internship (85 hours) and accompanying seminar in history
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
15.00 credits
37.5 h
Q1 and Q2
To follow this Teaching Unit, the student must have credited (Prerequisites) or be simultaneously enrolled (Co-requisites) in the Teaching Units LHIST2301 and LHIST2302.
Main themes
The Teaching Unit consists of a series of internships and accompanying seminar sessions. The internships and seminars are related to the didactics of history.
For the internships:
In accordance with Title II, Chapter V of the RFIE 2021 decree, the student-intern will be placed in a professional situation in secondary education establishments, whether mainstream. In certain cases, they may also be in specialized education establishments, full-time or in alternation, in adult education or reduced-hour artistic secondary education.
These professional situations should allow the student to test their professional project, progressively develop their professional identity, cultivate a reflective practitioner attitude, deepen their disciplinary knowledge, particularly in history didactics, as well as develop skills in pedagogical differentiation, remediation, personalized support, skills related to the social role of the teacher, and the gradual learning of independent and team work.
In these professional situations, the student-intern will need to carry out in-class activities (observing teachers and learners, teaching). If the classroom observation and teaching activities are successfully completed, the student may complement these activities with out-of-class activities (such as observing the school institution, socio-professional insertion/social organizational activities, active participation in year, subject, interdisciplinary meetings, projects linked to educational plans, remediation periods, participation in a pedagogical day, in a class council, in collective or individual parent-teacher meetings…).
For the seminar accompanying the internships:
Regarding the internship support, the collective seminars will focus on teacher identity, the interns' representations, the pedagogical, didactic, relational, social, and organizational dimensions of professional practice, and reflexivity.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

With regard to the program's learning outcomes (LO) framework, this Teaching Unit contributes to the development and acquisition of the following learning outcomes:
LO.1. Competencies of the institutional, social, and cultural actor
LO.1.1. Act as a social and cultural actor within the school and society, including in their transformation, integrate diversity, and develop citizenship practices for greater social cohesion.
LO.1.2. Understand the ethical issues and respect the professional ethical and regulatory frameworks in a democratic and responsible perspective.
LO.1.3. Analyze the organizational and institutional environment of the education system and act within it, particularly by interacting with colleagues, parents, the administration, and other stakeholders in order to:
LO.1.3.1. Participate in the management process of the school and contribute to the improvement of the educational system of the French Community.
LO.1.3.2. Ensure the school is a place where students learn, develop, and train in a positive atmosphere, rather than a place of selection.
LO.1.4. Master one's administrative situation and the monitoring of one's personal administrative file.
LO.2. Competencies of the actor in a learning organization within a collective dynamic
LO.2.1. Engage in collaborative work within an educational team to increase professionalism and expertise by mobilizing collective intelligence, especially during meetings.
LO.2.2. Identify individual training needs and participate in identifying the training needs of the educational team.
LO.2.3. Contribute to the dissemination of the knowledge gained from continuous training or the skills developed through these trainings or experience within the educational team.
LO.3. Competencies of the organizer and facilitator of learning in an evolving dynamic
LO.3.1. Master the disciplinary content, its epistemological foundations, its scientific and technological evolution, its didactics, and the methodology of its teaching.
LO.3.2. Master the knowledge related to learning processes, research on different models and theories of teaching.
LO.3.3. Master written and spoken French thoroughly to teach and communicate appropriately in the various contexts and subjects related to the profession.
LO.3.4. Consider and develop the language aspects of learning and teaching, paying attention to the language of schooling or language of learning, and being aware of the socially and culturally unequal familiarity with it.
LO.3.5. Act as a pedagogue within the classroom and the school institution in a collective perspective, particularly through:
LO.3.5.1. Designing and implementing a teaching and learning approach, including varied practices that strengthen student motivation and self-confidence, and develop their creativity, initiative, and cooperation.
LO.3.5.2. Designing, choosing, and using didactic materials, textbooks, educational software, and other teaching tools.
LO.3.5.3. Constructing and using observation and assessment tools, with the latter specifically aimed at comprehension and formative assessment, encouraging student responsibility and participation in their learning.
LO.3.5.4. Designing and implementing pedagogical differentiation practices, personalized support for students taking into account their prior knowledge, learning profile, and, if necessary, specific needs, particularly using co-teaching or co-intervention methods.
LO.3.5.5. Implementing interdisciplinary learning activities.
LO.3.6. Mastering the integration of digital technologies in teaching practices.
LO.3.7. Taking media education, sexual education (EVRAS), and gender into account in a transversal manner.
LO.3.8. Creating a supportive relational framework to facilitate communication with students, their families, and colleagues.
LO.3.9. Managing the class group in an educational and pedagogical situation in a stimulating, structuring, and secure way.
LO.4. Competencies of the reflective practitioner
LO.4.1. Read critically scientific research results in education and didactics and draw inspiration for teaching practice, also relying on various disciplines of the humanities to analyze and act in professional situations.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and mastery of the competencies and outcomes of the program(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programs/courses offering this Teaching Unit.”
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] of Education, Section 4 : History

Master [60] of Education, Section 5 : History