Knowledge and techniques At the end of this teaching unit, specifically for patients (adults, children and the elderly) with pathologies of the cardio-respiratory system studied in this course, according to a course, using an EBP (1.1) approach to physiotherapy, the student will be able to :
- Describe the epidemiological characteristics, the main physiopathological mechanisms and the clinical presentations of the different pathologies of the cardio-respiratory system as well as the particularities of this system in children and the elderly. (2.1, 11.2)
- explain the principles of clinical tests/tools, their validation/use and psychometric qualities (2.2, 11.2)
- explain the basic principles of clinical examination and interpretation (2.3)
- Explain the key elements in making a diagnosis in physiotherapy and rehabilitation (2.4)
- Identify the situations for which the patient must be referred (2.5)
- Explain the basic principles for establishing a prognosis (2.6)
- Carry out technical procedures, prescribe and demonstrate the exercises rigorously by
- ustifying them (3.1)
- explain therapeutic interventions and their planning for standard management (guidelines): technical procedures, exercises and therapeutic education (patient-centred communication) (2.8, 3.1)
- explain the basic principles of continuous assessment and treatment adaptation (3.2)
- Explain the rules of hygiene in relation to respiratory procedures and the risks of transmission (8.3)
Integrative and reflective skills At the end of this teaching unit, in a typical management situation of a patient (adult, child and elderly person) suffering from a pathology of the cardio-respiratory system (clinical vignette or simulated case; 11.3), according to an EBP approach (1.1) in physiotherapy, the student is capable of :
- Describe and interpret relevant medical, psychosocial and contextual information (biopsychosocial approach) from the medical record, the history and questionnaires. (2.2)
- identifying the relevant clinical tools/tests for carrying out a clinical examination, giving reasons for the choice (validation; psychometric quality, etc.), and applying them rigorously and appropriately to the patient (2.3, 4.3)
- analyse and feel specific respiratory patterns (2.3, 2.4, 4.3)
- make a functional diagnosis by interpreting the information gathered from the history and clinical examination (including signs, physical examination, paraclinical examination, subjective assessment) and justify it (2.4, 1.2)
- Identify the risk factors, signs and symptoms of specific pathologies requiring referral to the appropriate clinician, specifying the degree of urgency (2.5)
- Identify signs of aggravation requiring referral to the appropriate clinician, specifying the degree of urgency (2.5)
- Identify and explain the clinical, personal and contextual factors which may influence the prognosis, establish a prognosis and justify it (2.6)
- formulate realistic goals for patient care and plan therapeutic intervention; explain the reasoning (2.7, 2.8, 1.2)
- Carry out therapeutic interventions (technical procedures and exercises, therapeutic education) adapted to the patient's profile, using a didactic approach (3.1, 5.4)
- Adapt his/her treatment according to the stage of the pathology and the patient's progress (3.2)