The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE)
for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
Internship support :
- Communicate rigorously about a case in writing and/or orally
- Write a letter to a doctor/colleague/consultant
- Reflect critically on the progress of treatment
- Reflective analysis of cognitive biases (anchoring biases, prejudices, etc.)
- Reflective analysis of therapeutic positioning (appropriate distance, conflict management*, risk of transference, emotional charge)
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : |
For placements (3 month)
- Carry out and develop clinical reasoning in each of the stages of patient management, in simple situations (clinical vignettes, simulated cases and supervised real cases), integrating an "evidence-based practice" (EBP) approach and adopting a posture of continuous skills development. (1)
- Carry out a diagnosis* in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and plan the therapeutic intervention, in simple situations (clinical vignette, simulated cases and supervised real cases). (2)
- Discuss therapeutic possibilities and their consequences in a respectful and personalised manner, using accessible language, with the patient and those close to him/her (4.2)
- Develop a therapeutic touch and adapt it taking into account the patient's perceptions and feelings (4.3)
- Explain and justify movements/technical gestures/exercises to patients using a didactic approach (5.4)
- Identify relevant and reliable scientific sources concerning a defined and circumscribed problem, making appropriate use of information tools in the trainee's clinical experience (6.2)
- Extract, on the basis of the patient's file, the medical history and the clinical examination, or even paraclinical examinations, relevant information during discussions with the trainee supervisor with a view to managing the patient (7.2)
- Communicate rigorously and professionally in discussions with the supervisor (7.3)
- Apply the rights and duties of trainees during placements (8.1)
- Apply the safety rules inherent in patient care during placements. (8.3)
- Sharing with patients and their relatives the necessary information to enable them to make informed choices (free and informed consent) (9.1)
- Justify his/her actions while respecting professional secrecy (9.2)
For the placement report :
- Identify relevant and reliable scientific sources concerning a defined and circumscribed issue by making appropriate use of information tools (6.2)
- Use scientific articles to question your professional practice (6.4)
- Draft written documents, taking account of the requirements of the situation (case study, report for a doctor) (7.4)
- Manage the administrative and organisational aspects of work placements (8.2)
For work placement support :
- Reflect on your ability to listen actively (4.1)
- Communicate and argue rigorously and effectively during exchanges within a team of students a team of students and with teachers (7.3)
- Produce written documents taking into account the requirements of the situation (case study, report for a doctor), arguing the contribution of physiotherapy (7.4, 7.5).
- Demonstrate awareness of cognitive biases and prejudices and their influence on patient care (9.3)
- Demonstrate awareness of the right distance in the patient-physiotherapist relationship (9.4)
Other information
This course is strictly reserved for FSM students. It is not open to other UCLouvain students.