Interdisciplinary thematic seminar in literature

llmod2802  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Interdisciplinary thematic seminar in literature
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2025-2026 !

Successful completion of the bachelor's degree in modern languages and literature, or equivalent training in literary studies;
Have a good command of English and/or French, as well as of the modern languages included in the student's program (upper advanced level, B2 + in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference).
Main themes
This cross-disciplinary thematic research seminar offers students the opportunity to embark on a specific research project in literary studies. The seminar brings together various teachers and/or research team(s), who work together alternately on a common theme, bringing together different modern literatures, methods and critical perspectives. Content varies from year to year.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 get involved in a collective research dynamic ;
2 master the (inter)disciplinary knowledge and skills (conceptual and epistemological foundations, types of methodology) underlying the chosen research theme;
3 design and implement a personal research project linked to the seminar theme: analyse literary texts in depth on the basis of a clearly argued research question, integrating current debates on the chosen issue, considering and correctly using key references and concepts (from lectures, readings and debates presented during the seminar);
4 know how to present research results within a defined methodological and conceptual framework (know how to listen and engage in discussion with the audience, integrate new ideas);
5 Demonstrate a quality of expression and mastery of the written and oral language of specialty; handle academic conventions and argue critically and thoughtfully.
The topic of the cross-disciplinary literature seminar for the academic year 2024-2025 will be the plurality of decolonial thought and criticism, applied to a multilingual (German, English, Spanish, French) literary corpus of selected works.
The seminar will consist of two main modules. The first will focus on ‘Colonial intrusion’. It will analyse, within the theoretical framework announced, the novelistic figures of explorer-colonisers, between homage and subversion, on the basis of J. Conrad's text, 'Heart of Darkness', and other recent novels (in German, French or Spanish), which can be considered as rewritings of Conrad's novel, thus opening it up to new interpretations and theoretical perspectives. The second module will focus on the figures of maroons (fugitive slaves) in the contemporary novel. Based on theoretical essays by Touam Bona, Edouard Glissant and Jacques Derrida (among others), the aim will be to study modes of resistance to coloniality and how this resistance is rooted in literary language itself.
Teaching methods
The seminar will alternate sessions presenting and introducing the literary and theoretical corpus, with analyses of significant extracts carried out jointly with the students. A workshop at the end of each of the two modules will provide an opportunity to deepen and share the reading work already undertaken. At the end of the two modules, students will determine a personal work project, giving a provisional oral version before submitting an in-depth written work.
The seminar, which will take place in the second four-month term, can be advantageously prepared for in the first four-month term. A visit to the Afrika Museum in Tervueren will be offered to students in October or November, while the readings will be announced at the beginning of October and can be anticipated by the students.
It is therefore a mixed approach, with lectures providing an introduction to the theme and workshops enabling students to learn about it through interactive reading of literary texts in their specialist language. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Evaluation methods
Students are assessed in two ways:
- continuous assessment, including active participation in text analysis and workshops (50% of the final mark) ;
- an individual final paper presented orally and in writing. This will be written in one of the student's two major languages (50% of the final mark).
The use of artificial intelligence is tolerated to improve writing, but is not recommended for generating new textual content. The paper (in oral or written form) must mention its sources and therefore the type of use reserved for the AI.
Other information
Reading portfolio (reference articles and primary texts) according to the theme(s) addressed; detailed schedule and plan.
Une bibliographie détaillée sur la thématique choisie est mise à la disposition des étudiants.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English

Master [120] in Modern Languages and Literatures : General

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General