The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
This course is reserved for students with a bachelor's degree in business engineering or students with equivalent quantitative method skills.
Main themes
This advanced course describes the objectives, architecture, module contents and limitations of integrated planning systems used in supply chain management, with a special emphasis on the manufacturing and production function (the logistics, transportation and distribution functions are covered in LSM2033): - Enterprise Planning Systems (ERP), - Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems (MPCS), - Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems (APS). In the second part of the course, some specific supply chain planning problems are studied in more details, including mathematical formulations, solution methods and algorithms: - Strategic Supply Chain Network Design problems, - Tactical/Operational production planning and scheduling problems.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The class mixes
- for part I , lectures with additional individual readings and exercises, - presentation by a software vendor of the current evolution and trends in the market of advanced planning systems,
- for part II, lectures with case studies performed in groups.
- for part I , lectures with additional individual readings and exercises, - presentation by a software vendor of the current evolution and trends in the market of advanced planning systems,
- for part II, lectures with case studies performed in groups.
- - Enterprise resources planning (ERP) and Manufacturing Planning (MRP-II and MPCS) : Scope, Module contents, Limitations
- - Justin Time (JIT) and Lean Manufacturing/Organization
- - Limitations of ERP systems to support the supply chain planning function
- - Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems : Scope, Architecture and module contents, decision models and methods
- - Mixed Integer Programming (MIP): formulations and solution methods
- - Heuristic methods for combinatorial optimization problems - Supply Network Design : Models, Methods, Case study
- - Production Planning and Scheduling: Models, Methods, Case study Methods : In-class activities 1 Lectures 1 Exercices/PT 1
Evaluation methods
Continuous evaluation
- Date: To be specified later
- Type of evaluation: case solutions including class presentation
- Comments:
- Oral: No
- Written: No
- Unavailability or comments: No
- Oral: No
- Written: Yes
- Unavailability or comments: Open Book Review with Open Questions and Exercises
Other information
Other information Prerequisites (ideally in terms of competiencies) Introduction to operations management, production management and operations research. Introduction to supply chain management (LSM2030) Evaluation : - Case solutions including class presentations, - Written exam (open book) with open questions and exercises. Support : - T.E. Vollmann, W.L. Berry, D.C. Whybark, F.R. Jacobs: "Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management", 5th edition, Irwin/McGraw Hill, 2005. - B. Fleischmann, H. Meyr: "Planning Hierarchy, Modeling and Advanced Planning Systems", Chapter 9 in Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science : vol 11 Supply Chain Management, de Kok, Graves, Zipkin (eds), Elsevier, 2004. + slides provided through iCampus References : - T.E. Vollmann, W.L. Berry, D.C. Whybark, F.R. Jacobs: "Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management", 5th edition, Irwin/McGraw Hill, 2005. - Stadtler H., C. Kilger (Eds), "Supply chain management and advanced planning : concepts, models, software and case studies", 2d edition, Springer, 2002. - Y. Pochet, L.A.Wolsey: "Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming", Springer, 2006. - Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science : vol 4 Logisitics of Production and Inventory Management, Graves, Rhinooy Kan, Zipkin (eds), Elsevier 1993 (chapters on production planning) - Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science : vol 11 Supply Chain Management, de Kok, Graves, Zipkin (eds), Elsevier 2004 (chapters on production planning) - Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning & Control, Ghiani, Laporte, Musmanne, Wiley 2004. Additional and more specialized references will be provided during the class Internationalisation 1 international content (does the course tackle international issues related to the course content ?) 1 international case study Corporate features 1 case study 1 corporate guest Skills 1 presentation skills 1 writing skills 1 team work 1 problem solving 1 decision making 1 critical thinking Techniques and tools for teaching and learning 1 IT tools 1 modelling 1 quantitative methods 1 mathematics
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] : Business Engineering
Master [120] in Electro-mechanical Engineering
Master [120] in Mathematical Engineering
Master [120] in Data Science Engineering
Master [120] : Business Engineering
Master [120] in Data Science: Information Technology
Master [120] in Energy Engineering