The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
> French-friendly
> French-friendly
Students are expected to master the following skills: the basics of Continuum mechanics, as they are covered within the course LMECA1901, the basics of Thermodynamics, as they are covered within the course LMECA1855, and the basics of Fluid mechanics and heat transfer, as they are covered within the course LMECA1321
Main themes
This course presents the physics of heat and mass transfer phenomena and the tools used by engineers to compute transfers in practical applications. The course complements to the prerequisite knowledge of conductive and convective heat transfer and presents the basis of radiative heat transfer and of mass transfer. The heat exchanger application is presented because of its importance in engineering and because it allows to familiarize the students with more complex heat transfer problems with combined heat transfer mechanisms.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | In view of the LO frame of reference of the "Master Mechanical Engineering", this course contributes to the development, acquisition and evaluation of the following learning outcomes: LO1.1; LO1.2; LO1.3 L02.1; LO2.2; LO2.4; LO2.5 LO3.2 LO4.2; LO4.4 LO5.3; LO5.4; LO5.5 LO6.1; LO6.3 Specific learning outcomes of the course At the end of this learning unit, the student is be able to:
- Advanced topics in Convection and Conduction
- Heat exchangers
- Boiling and Condensation
- Radiative heat transfer
- Mass transfer
Teaching methods
- Formal lectures
- Exercise sessions
- Labs (numerical or experimental)
Evaluation methods
The student's final grade is calculated on the basis of the grades of the written exam and the laboratory. If the grade of the exam is superior or equal to 10/20, the weighting is 80% for the exam and 20% for the laboratory, if it is inferior to 10/20, the weighting is 90% for the exam and 10% for the laboratory. According to art. 78 of the RGEE, the laboratory mark is acquired for all the sessions of the academic year without the possibility of repeating the laboratory and/or resubmitting the reports for the second session. The laboratory is a mandatory activity. In case of an unexcused absence from the lab (physical absence to experimental labs, non delivery of a report for experimental or numerical labs), a penalty of 4 points (-4 points) will be applied to the final grade of the 1st session.
Other information
Note on the use of generative artificial intelligence:
- The use of generative AI is tolerated for the work during the year, not at the exam, but its use must be thoughtful critical and ethical.
- The student is required to systematically indicate all parts in which AIs have been used, e.g. in footnotes, specifying whether the AI was used to search for information, to write or correct the text, or to generate computer code. Sources of information must be systematically cited in accordance with bibliographic referencing standards. Students remain responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used.
Online resources
- T. Bergman, A. Lavine, F. Incropera, D. Dewitt, Incropera's principles of heat and mass transfer, 8th Edition, Global Edition, 2017
- M. N. O'zisik, Heat Transfer, a Basic Approach, McGraw-Hill, 1985
- Y. Cengel, Heat Transfer, a Practical Approach, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003
- A. Bejan, "Heat transfer", Wiley, 1993.
- R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart., E.N. Lighfoot , "Transport phenomena", Wiley int. ed., 1960.
- N. Todreas & M. Kazimi, Nuclear Systems, Volume 1, Thermal Hydraulics Fundamentals, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2011
- M. F. Modest, Radiative Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2003
Teaching materials
- Slides and reference book (Bergman et al., incropera's principles of heat and mass transfer, Wiley)
Faculty or entity