Final project support seminar

lpsp9002  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Final project support seminar
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Q1 or Q2
This seminar aiming at developing communication and vulgarisation skills requires students to choose between several proposed topics in the field of psychology in order to deepen their knowledge of one topic through two different productions.
This seminar aims to enable students to develop their ability to communicate and transmit scientifically validated information on a topic in the field of psychology to a non-initiated audience.
The seminar is designed to develop the student's ability to interact with peers in a group setting, as teamwork is inherent to the profession of psychology. This competence is therefore essential to the psychology curriculum.
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Teaching methods
The seminar is an opportunity for students to develop a dissemination resource for a specific audience, based on a theme proposed in each group, supervised by an assistant. This resource is developed by small groups of students.
The seminar sessions enable the group to prepare this resource, to build it on the basis of an in-depth theoretical study of the chosen topic in order to target a theoretically relevant and well chosen tool to reach the audience targeted by the dissemination tool.
The tool or resource developed (the form of which leaves creative freedom to the students) is to be presented in December to the teachers, other students and some professionals who are invited for the event.
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Evaluation methods
The final evaluation requires 1) attendance and dynamic participation in the 3 seminars and 2 compulsory office hours; 2) the production of a tool or resource adapted to the targeted audience (50%) and a fiche technique (50%), both to be produced in groups.
Other information
The seminar takes place over a four-month period (Quadri 1)
For ERASMUS  mobility out students  (mobility out - for UCLouvain Students going abroad) in the Quadri 1, they need to to carry out the activity in the Quadri 2. A specific group is organised for the latter students. It takes place during Q2, from March to May. They need to register on the Moodle platform, during Quadri1 to get all the necessary information.
For ERASMUS mobility in students (coming for a Quadri in UCLouvain), they may take this teaching unit in their specific programme. But, they may be aware that the course requires group-courseworks in French.
The use of generative Artificial Intelligence tools is forbidden for all productions (e.g., assignments, portfolios, documents to be completed, etc.) required of students as part of this course.
Online resources
Platform Moodle UCLouvain
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General