The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
45.0 h + 15.0 h
Main themes
Item response models, particularly the Rasch model, for the construction of measurement scales
Factor analysis, structural equation models
Factor analysis, structural equation models
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 |
A2 : etc...ceci doit être rédigé de manière commune pour tous les cours et donc je suppose par l'instance responsable de l'adoption de ces définitions |
The course combines lectures, articles, an introduction to using the software (in particular SPSS, Mplus, R) and exercises. A theoretical and methodological framework is provided to promote student activity in the analysis and interpretation of data.
Part A: The Rasch and IRT models
The students discover the classical approach (Cronbach's alpha) and the modern approach (Rasch, IRT) through examples of analysis of a quantitative questionnaire. They will also discover the psychometrical foundations of scaling involved in interpreting answers to a questionnaire (unidimensionality criterion, fit indices, differential functioning, dichotomous and polytomous item analysis).
Part B: Factor analysis
The postulates and implications of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis models. Common practice and specific procedures (e.g., rotations...) as well as technical difficulties.
Common applications of the procedures and their software implementation with a critical approach to the results, fit, and interpretation.
Part A: The Rasch and IRT models
The students discover the classical approach (Cronbach's alpha) and the modern approach (Rasch, IRT) through examples of analysis of a quantitative questionnaire. They will also discover the psychometrical foundations of scaling involved in interpreting answers to a questionnaire (unidimensionality criterion, fit indices, differential functioning, dichotomous and polytomous item analysis).
Part B: Factor analysis
The postulates and implications of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis models. Common practice and specific procedures (e.g., rotations...) as well as technical difficulties.
Common applications of the procedures and their software implementation with a critical approach to the results, fit, and interpretation.
Teaching methods
Lectures and/or videos available on moodle (ezcast), readings, demonstrations and formative exercises.
Evaluation methods
Written closed-book exam with multiple choice and/or open questions. The final grade is the weighted average of the grades for part A (The Rasch and IRT models) and for part B (Factor analysis). In the final grade, part A accounts for 10/20 and part B accounts for 10/20.
Other information
The following courses provide important assets for the understanding and integration of this lecture:
LPSP1011 Statistique : Analyse descriptive de données quantitatives
LPSP1209 Statistique, inférence sur une ou deux variables
LPSP1211 Psychométrie
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in French, but equivalent core reading is available for international students in English: no
The standard exam is a written exam in French. However, international students taking this course:
LPSP1011 Statistique : Analyse descriptive de données quantitatives
LPSP1209 Statistique, inférence sur une ou deux variables
LPSP1211 Psychométrie
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in French, but equivalent core reading is available for international students in English: no
The standard exam is a written exam in French. However, international students taking this course:
- Will be allowed to use a dictionary when taking the written exam in French: yes
- Will be allowed 33% more time when taking the written exam in French: no
- Are provided with the opportunity to take the written exam in English: no
- Are provided with the opportunity to take an alternative oral exam in English : no
Online resources
Check Moodle
Faculty or entity