Organizational behavior

lpsys2309  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Organizational behavior
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h
Main themes
The different topics are the following :
-       Organizational justice
-       Perceived organizational support
-       Organizational culture
-       Organizational change
-       Work in team
-       Leadership
Please notice that the topic can slightly vary from one year to another.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of this training activity, the student will :
-       Have developed a deep knowledge of several concepts, process and methods relative to organizational behavior;
-       Be able to apply these concepts, process and methods  in order to better understand and analyze varied work situations; and
-       Have developed an analytic approach of organizational behavior.
Further: see general document as translated
Students are invited to acquire knowledge regarding several fundamental concepts and methods used in organizational behavior and to understand the management implications associated. The course considers several levels of analysis: the individual, the group and the organization.
Teaching methods
The course (in French) is based on the active participation of students and alternates :
- Carrying out work in sub-groups of students with teacher supervision
- Oral presentation that are performed in sub-group in front of students and the teacher
- Readings of scientific articles and participation in discussions (questions) related to these articles.
- Lectures (summary)
Evaluation methods
All the modalities related to the certification evaluation are available on the course website on the Moodle platform.
First session :
The evaluation covers:
    1. Works in sub-groups (oral presentation/written work/active participation) (average of work = 70% of the final grade)
    2.  Individual written exam (30% of the final grade)
The final grade will therefore take into account the achievement and active participation in groups and preparation sessions.
For the realization of the individual written work, the use of generative Artificial Intelligence tools (e.g., Chat GPT) is authorized (more details on moodle).
Second session:
The evaluation covers:
- Individual written exam (case analysis) and an oral exam on the case analysis and course content

For the realization of the individual written work, the use of generative Artificial Intelligence tools (e.g., Chat GPT) is authorized (more details on moodle).
Other information
The following course(s) provide important foundations for understanding and integrating this course:
LPSP1211: Psychometrics
LPSP1209: Statistics, inference on one or two variables
LPSP1204: Work and organizational psychology
LPSYS2144: Data analysis: measure patterns
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in French, but equivalent core reading is available for international students in English: yes to some extent
The exam is composed of oral presentation in French with group of students. However, international students taking this course:
  • Will be allowed to perform the oral presentation in English:
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take an alternative written exam in English:
The course requires a written coursework in French. However, international students taking this course:
  • Can provide the written coursework in English:
  • Can be exempt from providing the coursework:
Online resources
Principales revues scientifiques publiant des articles en comportement organisationnel :
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Journal of Vocational Behavior
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Personnel Psychology
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Applied Psychology: An International Review International
- Journal Journal of Management
- Group & Organization Management 
- ...
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology