Christian rites and symbols : Liturgy

lreli1160  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Christian rites and symbols : Liturgy
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The course will cover the basic notions of anthropology of the ritual, the history and the theological foundations of Christian liturgies and a special introduction to the rite of the Eucharist.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 A. to master the knowledge to explain Christianity in its cultural environment according to theological disciplines;
A3. to understand and explain the liturgical and pastoral situation of a Christian community;
2 B. to employ appropriate concepts to develop theological reflection;
B.1. to know the notions proper to theology and its epistemology;
B.4. to perceive the complementarity of the theological disciplines relevant to positive theology, systematic theology and practical theology;
3 C. to properly use the tools for rigorous theological reflection and research;
C.1. to know the diversity of the methods of analysis and research used in theology.
In order to achieve its set objectives, the course will address the following themes: study of rituals (sign, symbol, rite, symbolic order) and specifically Christian rituals in their kinship and difference; biblical roots of rites and liturgies; the pneumatological and ecclesiological dimension of liturgies; liturgical documentation (ancient and contemporary sources, including an in-depth study of liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council), practical introduction to the use of the main working tools for the study of the sacraments and the liturgy.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take the form of lectures presented with the aid of projections and written materials distributed in class, and available on moodle. All documentation and sources are available on moodle.
One part of the course will be a collective work on participant observation, giving rise to a piece of work counting towards the final assessment.
Evaluation methods
1. For the session, the student will submit a brief written report on his or her observation and analysis of a Sunday liturgy (based on work in progress and observation in the field). This report (maximum 3 pages) will count as 3/20 towards the final grade.
2. The student will be examined on one chapter of Paul De Clerck's book (compulsory reading), for which he/she will have submitted a 2-page reading summary (2/20). Alternatively, you may choose one of the articles listed on moodle.
3. The student will be examined on three questions based on the entire course. Assessment will be based on knowledge acquired and ability to give an account of: historical dimensions (5/20), theological dimensions (5/20) and, in particular, the Eucharist (5/20). This work is to be submitted on moodle.
The oral will take place over a 15-minute preparation period, after a draw for questions, the list of which will have been distributed in class.
Other information
If necessary, this course can be taken entirely " online ". In this case, please contact us by e-mail as soon as possible. Two specific face-to-face sessions will be offered to students choosing this option.
Online resources
Support on Moodle
Une bibliographie générale sera distribuée en début de cours. Je relève déjà ici:
En lecture obligatoire :
  • De Clerck Paul, L’intelligence de la liturgie. Paris 1995, éd. revue et augm. 2005 (Liturgie 4)
Utiles et conseillés :
  • Adam Adolf, La liturgie aujourd’hui. Précis de liturgie catholique. Tournai: Brepols, 1989 (Mysteria. Collection liturgique 1) seulement les p. 1-83 (livre épuisé, donc en bibliothèque ou achat d’occasion)
  • Join-Lambert Arnaud, Guide pour comprendre la messe. Paris, Mame, 2002. ou équivalent
  • Michel Scouarnec, Les symboles chrétiens. Les sacrements ne sont pas étranges. Paris  1998 (Vivre – Croire – Célébrer). ou équivalent
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en théologie (fondements)

Minor in Christian Theology

Bachelor in religious studies