Sacramentalité : Approche historique et systématique

lreli1281  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sacramentalité : Approche historique et systématique
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2025-2026
Main themes
To achieve its set goals, the course will examine the biblical and historical records by analyzing sacramental practices to the present rituals. This historical approach will be crossed with the systematic dossier that will address the major stages of Christian reflection in sacramental theology, up to the present day.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - to use the major sources and working tools concerning sacramentality and its history;
- to situate the theological and anthropological issues of sacramental reflection;
- to understand the challenges of the  sacraments in inter-denominational dialogues.
According to the Bachelor's Degree in Religious Sciences:
A. To master the knowledge to explain Christianity in its cultural environment according to theological disciplines;
A.3. To understand and explain the liturgical and pastoral situation of a Christian community;
A.5. To understand and interpret historical and juridical sources relating to the Christian Faith;
2 B. To use appropriate concepts to develop theological reflection;
B.4. To perceive the complementarity of the theological disciplines of positive theology, systematic theology and practical theology;
3 D. To develop a personal theological reflection and critical thinking;
D.3. To distinguish between the theological analysis of an issue or situation and a commonsense analysis.
The course is developed in two stages. The first focuses on sacramentality and sacraments in general. It studies the evolution of the understanding of sacramentality from the patristic period to the present day, looking at Tertullian, Thomas Aquinas and Louis-Marie Chauvet among others. Particular attention is paid to the history of art, the liturgical movement and the directions taken by the Vatican Council. It is on this fundamental basis that the second stage devoted to the seven sacraments is built. For each of these, the biblical foundations, the historical background, the liturgical and symbolic developments and the ecumenical debates are addressed. The sacrament of the Eucharist is the subject of a more substantial development, in view of its importance in the Christian life.
Teaching methods
In order to develop the spirit of historical and theological analysis and the liturgical sensitivity of the students, the course will consist of lectures on biblical texts as well as historical and theological texts. Students will also have to study a question of sacramental theology which will be discussed during the course.
It is possible to follow the course at a distance, by attending 3 meetings: one at the beginning of the course, one in the middle to report on the observation of a Eucharistic liturgy and one between the end of the course and the exam.
Evaluation methods
Students who take the class in class will be evaluated on the basis of three exercises:
  • Short reading assignments and analysis of ancient and/or contemporary biblical, conciliar and liturgical texts (4 points);
  • Work on extracts from the Constitution on the Liturgy, followed by an exercise in observing a Eucharistic liturgy (4 points);
  • An examination in which you present your personal revision of the course on a poster (12 points).
Students who follow the course online will be evaluated on the basis of three exercises :
  • answer worksheets based on the course notes and the book by Paul De Clerck, Vivre et comprendre la messe, Paris, Cerf, 2016, out of 16 points (4 points for the introduction to the sacraments, 6 points for the 3 sacraments of initiation, 6 points for the 4 other sacraments).
  • to complete an assignment on extracts from the Constitution on the Liturgy, followed by an exercise in observing a Eucharistic liturgy, out of 4 points.
    Students taking the online course are asked to meet the teacher at the beginning of the course and, if possible, to attend the discussion session on observing a Eucharistic liturgy. The teacher will be available to answer students' questions in person or on Teams. During the examination session, a meeting with the teacher will provide an opportunity to review the work, what has been learnt and the working method. This meeting will help to improve your final grade, not lower it.
Other information
On Moodle
Hélène Bricout, Le mariage entre consentement et bénédiction : le sacrement et son ministre, Paris, Cerf, 2015.
Louis-Marie Chauvet, Les sacrements : Parole de Dieu au risque du corps (Recherches), Paris, L'Atelier, 1997 (nouvelle édition : Le corps chemin de Dieu. Les sacrements, Paris, 2010).
Paul De Clerck, Vivre et comprendre la messe, Paris, Cerf, 2016.
Luc Forestier, Les ministères aujourd’hui, Paris, Salvator, 2017.
André Haquin, « Le sacrement de pardon : ombres et lumière », dans Liturgie 140 (janv. 2008), p. 35-58.
Arnaud Join-Lambert, « Richesses de Vatican II à (re)découvrir », dans Questions liturgiques 91 (2010), p. 42-63.
Marcel Metzger, Histoire de la liturgie. Les grandes étapes, Paris, 1994.
Roland Minnerath, Quel avenir pour la confirmation ? Un enjeu pastoral, Paris, Artège, 2016.
Jean-Philippe Revel, Traité des sacrements. 1, Baptême et sacramentalité, 2 vol., Paris, Cerf, 2004-2005.
Jean-Philippe Revel, Traité des sacrements (Théologies). VI. L’onction des malades, Paris, Cerf, 2009.
Michel Scouarnec, Les symboles chrétiens. Les sacrements ne sont pas étranges (Vivre – Croire – Célébrer) , Paris, 1998.
Bernard Sesboüé, Invitation à croire. 2. Des sacrements crédibles et désirables, Paris, Cerf, 2009.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en théologie (fondements)

Minor in Christian Theology

Bachelor in religious studies

Additionnal module in Religious Studies