Present Questions in Practical Theology

ltheo2850  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Present Questions in Practical Theology
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
In 2024-2025, the course will focus on the theme: Women and men in the Catholic Church. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. The theme will be approached by calling on various specialists according to the following timetable:
- Friday 14 February: Men and women, baptised and ordained ministers throughout history, with prof. Catherine Chevalier.
- Friday 21 February: Women's ministries in the early centuries, with prof. Marie Pauliat.
- Friday 28 February: Did the Church defend women throughout history or not? 16th-20th century, with prof. Jean-Pascal Gay.
- Friday 7 March: The female monastic enclosure and its circumventions. 16th-19th c., with prof. Silvia Mostaccio.
- Friday 14 March: The liturgical invisibility of women, with prof. Arnaud Join-Lambert.
- Friday 21 March: L' approche psychologique et psychanalytique du masculin et du féminin, with mad. Véronique de Thuy-Croizé.
- Friday 28 March: Ordained women's ministries through the synods since the Second Vatican Council, with prof. Arnaud Join-Lambert.
- Friday 4 April: Transforming the Church from above or from below? Some echoes from France, with mad. Monique Baujard.
- Friday 9 May: wrap-up session and presentation by students of their final work.
Teaching methods
The course is only available in face-to-face mode. It will include lectures, work on old and current theological texts and discussions. Students will also be asked to prepare a short talk on a question of their choice related to the course theme, which they will be asked to present at the final session of the course
Evaluation methods
Students will be assessed on the basis of the following exercises:
- Before each session, students may have to read an article or one of the other texts; after each of the eight sessions, students must submit a personal summary of the session on Moodle (based on a suggested outline) (40%) ;
The following article should be read for the first session: Joëlle Ferry, Responsabilités et autorité exercées par des femmes dans le Nouveau Testament, in Lumen Vitae, 2022/3 Volume LXXVII, p. 247-257.
- Oral presentation of a question of your choice related to the course theme (60%).
Online resources
On Moodle
La bibliographie sera communiquée au cours des premières séances
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Certificat universitaire en théologie (approfondissement)

Master [120] in Theology