The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
Main themes
- Issues of sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Global context: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Doughnut Theory, origin of global crises.
- Ethics and personal values. Reflections on the impact and the “raison d’être” of the company and its actors.
- Materiality matrix and stakeholder mapping.
- Systemic approach and decision-making support.
- Discovery of key concepts, tools, standards and indicators in CSR with a focus on the B Corp label.
- Regenerative leadership: reconnection with the “living” to inspire the transition from a “classic” model to a sustainable model. “The Regenerative Leadership DNA”.
- Innovative business models: circular, regenerative, functional economy, etc.
- Governance, management and social innovation in times of planetary challenges.
- "Thriving", Wayne Visser, 2022
- "La trosième voie du vivant", Olivier Hamant, 2022
- « Ecophilosophie », Charlotte Luyckx, 2020
- "Better Business", Christophe Marquis, 2022
- "Regenerative Enterprise", N De Fraguier, C. Figueres, 2023
- « Earth for All, A Survival Guide for Humanity", Club of Rome (S Dixson Declève, O Gaffney, J Gosh, J Randers, J Rockstrôm, P Espen Stoknes), 2022
- « Manuel de la Grande Transition", Campus de la Transition, Groupe Fortes, 2020
- « La Vérité sur l'Anthropocène", N. Wallenhorst, 2020
- « Regenerative Leadership, the DNA of liefe-affirming 21st century orgaiszations », G. Hurchins & L. Storm, 2019
- « Doughnut Economics », K. Raworth, 2017
- « Ecologie intégrale. Pour une société permaculturelle », C Ansperger, D. Bourg, 2019
- « Reinventing Organizations », F. Laloux, 2014
- « The Green Swans », John Elkington, 2020
- « The Age of Respinsability, CSR 2.0 », W. Visser, 2012
- « La métode Lance », N. Lance 2020
Faculty or entity