French - Following a course at university (listening and making sense) - Objective B2

lfran1406  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - Following a course at university (listening and making sense) - Objective B2
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Rassart Emmanuelle (coordinator);
To take this course, students must have reached the level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This should be attested by
  • the ILV orientation test organized during the 1st week of each semester OR
  • a recent DELF B1 (less than 1 year) OR
  • having obtained 14/20 or more at the LFRAN1301 or LFRAN1321 courses OR
  • having passed the LFRAN1401 course OR
  • following at the same time the LFRAN1321 or LFRAN1401 courses.
Main themes
To reinforce listening skills in academic situations, the following topics will be covered:
  • the sound flow of spoken French: accentuation, pauses, intonation, continuity, co-verbal gestures
  • communicative intentions specific to academic oral discourse: indicating structure, defining, explaining, criticizing
  • note-taking
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

By the end of this course, students will be able to follow the main points of a university lecture or conference, provided the subject is related to a familiar field. 
More specifically, students will be able to:
Build listening skills
  • Sequence the flow of speech, relying on prosodic and non-verbal cues.
  • Use appropriate metalinguistic compensation strategies in the event of difficulty.
Constructing meaning
  • Understand the main ideas in complex, abstract discourse.
  • Identify and analyze transitions between different parts of speech.
  • Distinguish digressions from main themes.
  • Identify the point of view expressed and distinguish it from reported ideas or facts.
  • Use appropriate metalinguistic strategies to compensate in case of difficulty.
  • Synthesize and report main ideas orally and in writing.
This course is designed to help non-French-speaking students follow courses and lectures given in French as part of their university education more easily.
Students practice decoding the flow of speech and constructing the meaning of academic oral discourse using prosodic, linguistic and non-verbal cues. Metalinguistic strategies to compensate for oral comprehension difficulties are tested and analyzed. Note-taking techniques to support listening are also tested and analyzed.
Students practice with authentic extracts from university lectures and courses, before applying metalinguistic compensation strategies and note-taking techniques in real-life situations.
Teaching methods
In-class sessions alternate between:
  • Speech flow decoding training exercises
  • Listening and note-taking activities based on short extracts from university lectures and courses
  • Moments of metacognitive sharing in groups
  • Explanations given by the teacher
After each session, students can work independently on the skills they have learned in class on the Moodle platform.
Evaluation methods
Certification is made up of continuous assessment and an in-session examination.
Continuous assessment during the term: 50%
  • An oral presentation on "The point of view of foreign-language listening experts" (20%)
  • Writing a synthesis on one or two listening strategies (20%)
  • Active participation in class sessions (10%)
Continuous assessment tasks may not be submitted after the deadline set by the teacher, except in the case of a medical certificate.
No continuous assessment tasks may be submitted in the August session.
Final exam: 50%
  • Written test involving listening and note-taking exercises similar to those performed in class.
Absence from the final exam (justified or not) will result in a final mark of absence.
Other information
  • Opened only to the non-francophone students enrolled at UCLouvain as well as to the members of UCLouvain staff.
  • Class attendance is mandatory (75% min.)
Online resources
  • De Rycke K., Jonkers S., Rassart E., Starrs C., CORAL, Franchir la barrière de la compréhension orale à l’université. Projet financé par le Fonds de développement pédagogique de l’UCLouvain (2022-2024).
  • Field, J. (2011). Into the mind of the academic listener. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 10 (2), 102-112. ​
  • Hilton, H. (2022). Enseigner les langues avec l’apport des sciences cognitives. Hachette éducation.  ​
  • Mangiante, J.-M. & Parpette, C. (2011). Le Français sur objectif universitaire. PUG.​
  • Robert, J.-M. (2009). Manières d'apprendre : pour des stratégies d'apprentissage différenciées. Hachette (Collection F)
  • Salehzaded, J. (2020). Academic listening strategies. A guide to university lectures. University of Michigan Press ELT.
Teaching materials
  • Plateforme Moodle. La clé d’inscription sera communiquée lors du premier cours.
  • Les étudiants doivent apporter leur ordinateur portable personnel lors de chaque séance de cours.
Faculty or entity