Master's Thesis Seminar

mlsmm2201  2024-2025  Mons

Master's Thesis Seminar
2.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Demeyere Caroline (compensates Hermans Julie); Hermans Julie;
Main themes
This seminar is intended to help students to carry out their dissertation in better conditions. For this, it aims to give keys to
  1. define their subject of memory
  2. carry out a bibliographic research at scientific level
  3. deepen some methods specific to the field of management
  4. learn to self-correct their writing style
  5. master their oral expression in front of an audience
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Competencies
Given the « competencies referential » linked to the LSM Master in Management and in Business Engineering, this course mainly develops the following competencies:
  • 2.3 Articulate the acquired knowledge from different areas of management.
  • 2.4 Activate and apply the acquired knowledge accordingly to solve a problem.
  • 2.5 Contribute to the development and advancement of the management field.
  • 3. Analyze and resolve problems in multidisciplinary and complex management situations using a scientific and systematic approach
  • 3.1 Conduct a clear, structured, analytical reasoning by applying, and eventually adapting, scientifically based conceptual frameworks and models, to define and analyze a problem.3.2 Collect, select and analyze relevant information using rigorous, advanced and appropriate methods.
  • 3.3 Consider problems using a systemic and holistic approach: recognize the different aspects of the situation and their interactions in a dynamic process.
  • 3.4 Perceptively synthesize the essential elements of a situation, demonstrating a certain conceptual distance, to diagnose and identify pertinent conclusions.
  • 3.5 Produce, through analysis and diagnosis, implementable solutions in context and identify priorities for action.
  • 7. Define and manage a project to completion, taking into account the objectives, resources and constraints that characterize the project environment.
  • 7.1 Analyse a project within its environment and define the expected outcomes: identify what is at stake, the required outcomes and the environmental constraints; clearly define the project objectives and associate the performance indicators.
  • 7.2 Organize, manage and control the process: structure and schedule the tasks, identify and allocate human and material resources, coordinate, delegate and supervise the tasks; take into account the anticipated constraints and risks.
  • 7.3 Make decisions and take responsibility for them in an uncertain world: take initiatives and act, anticipate and be proactive, show discernment and good judgment and be prepared to make quick decisions, taking into account multiple factors and uncertainties; accept the risks and consequences of decisions.
  • 8. Communicate, converse effectively and convincingly with the stakeholders.
  • 8.1 Express a clear and structured message, both orally and in writing in their mother tongue, in English and ideally, in a third language, adapted to the audience and using context specific communication standards.
  • 8.2 Interact and discuss effectively and respectfully with diverse stakeholders (supervisors, peers, colleagues, clients... ) in face-to­face and group contexts, using both verbal and nonverbal communication skills: demonstrate the ability to listen, empathize, be assertive, provide and accept constructive criticism.
  • 9. Display self-knowledge and independence, able to adapt quickly to new situations and involve positively.
  • 9.1 Independent self-starter: set priorities, anticipate and plan work activities within time constraints, rigorous, structured and thorough, even in changing, uncertain environments or crisis.
  • 9.2 Self-awareness and self-control: be aware of and manage their own emotions, able to be objective about their work and behaviour, and recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, accept them and use them in a professional manner.
  • 9.3 Self-motivation: be capable of creating a project in line with their own values and aspirations, confident and motivated in managing the implementation of the project, and persevere in difficult situations.
  • 9.4 Quick study, lifelong learner: quickly and independently assimilate new information and skills needed to evolve in their professional environment, learn from successes and errors in the spirit of lifelong learning.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to:
  1. Think about his project
  2. Document himself
  3. Develop his action plan
  4. Write
  5. Present
At the end of the ‘Séminaire d’accompagnement du mémoire’, you will be able to:
1. Delineate clearly what your thesis should be,
2. Find and use relevant scientific literature,
3. Justify your methodology to find and analyse data,
4. Draft the introduction of your thesis.
Teaching methods
You are about to embark on the adventure of writing your thesis. Welcome aboard! 
The Moodle site of the seminar is your tool. It is a companion that will help you start your work efficiently. It will facilitate your way through the preparation of the thesis, which should also facilitate your supervisor’s work! You will progress step by step through the seminar at your own pace, with the support of forums where you can raise questions and you will get answers from your teachers. In addition, there will be three follow-up sessions at the different steps. In these sessions, you will meet the teachers, learn more, and get answers to your questions.
Evaluation methods
Each of the four steps in the seminar includes one assignment.
Only the last one will be graded, but you must pass the other ones (in steps 1, 2 and 3) to get access to the last one.
Criteria and conditions at each step are precisely explained on Moodle.
Other information
The Moodle site is in English, but the forum at each step, as well as the follow-up sessions, leave space for discussions either in French or in English.
This course is similar to "LLSMD2094 - Seminar d'accompagnement du mémoire" for students located in the LLN teaching site
Online resources
The Moodle site of the seminar provides all information and leads you, step by step, from the beginning to the final assessment.
Go to
CRESWELL, John W. (2012). Educational Research. Planning, Conducting, Quantitative and Qualitative Research. 4th Edition, Pearson.
GAVARD-PERRET, Marie-Laure, GOTTELAND, David, HAON, Christophe, & JOLIBERT, Alain (2012). Méthodologie de la Recherche - Réussir son mémoire ou sa thèse en sciences gestion. 2° édition. Pearson.
SAUNDERS, Mark N.K., LEWIS, Philip, & THORNHILL, Adrian (2015). Research Methods for Business Students, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall.
THIÉTARD, Raymond-Alain (2014). Méthode de recherche en management. 4° Ed. Dunod.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management (with work-linked-training)