General Dutch - Elementary level

lneer1130  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

General Dutch - Elementary level
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Schrijvers Lutgarde (coordinator);
Students must have followed a program of at least 2 hours a week during the last two years at secondary school or having at least A1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (European Council).
Main themes
The course is structured around texts and situations inspired by everyday and cultural life in Flanders.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The objective of the elementary course is A2 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (European Council).
1 Reading Comprehension
  • To be able to read short and simple texts.
  • To be able to find a piece of information in everyday documents such as advertisements, menus, timetables'
  • To be able to understand simple personal letters.
A2 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
2 Listening Comprehension - Individually: 
  • To be able to understand very frequent vocabulary related to familiar/everyday life (e.g. him/herself, family, shopping').
  • To be able to grasp the main point of simple and clear messages and advertisements.
Listening Comprehension - Interactively:
  • To be able to understand enough to be able to answer to concrete needs, provided the other person talks slowly and clearly.
A2 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
3 Speaking Skills - Individually: 
  • To be able to talk in simple language (descriptive mode) about him/herself, his/her family, other people, close environment and living conditions.
Speaking Skills - Interactively:
  • To be able to communicate in simple and usual tasks for which only simple and direct exchange of information is needed.
A2 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
4 Writing Skills
  • To be able to write a short postcard, a menu, a simple ad slogan, a day's schedule,
  • To be able to write down personal information in a questionnaire (nationality, address, age').
A1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
5 Code
  • Knowledge of the basic vocabulary (1500 to 2000 words) and structures of Dutch (spelling rules; gender and plurals of nouns; adjective agreement; comparatives and superlatives; definite, indefinite and numeral determiners; structure of simple clauses (incl. inversion) and complex clauses (coordinate and subordinate), including the place of complements, conjugation of verbs, auxiliaries, irregular verbs, "te+infinitive", double infinitive, pronouns and pronominal adverbs, negation, use of "er").
  • As far as speaking skills are concerned, the course focuses more on communicative skills than on correction, although attention is still paid to the latter.
For all the skills aforementioned: introduction to Flemish and Dutch culture.
The LNEER1130 has the aim of allowing the students concerned to reach the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The students will be asked to read simple texts concerning everyday life, to listen to oral texts about the same themes and to master the Code. 
Teaching methods
Each week, the students have listening comprehension sections on Wallangues which they study on their own. All the vocabulary the students hear in these sections must be studied. The sections to be studied are clearly predefined in a precise plan which students can find on Moodle.
In class the teacher explains a number of basic grammar points and brings grammar exercises which she does with the students.                    During the assessment sessions, the students will have grammar exercises in the same form as those done in class.
The teacher also does pronunciation, explains the spelling rules and does little dictations.
Evaluation methods
The LNEER1130 course is a CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT COURSE, with various components, all assessed IN CLASS (except for the August/September session):
1. Participation: 10%:
2. Vocabulary part 1: list of nouns, adjectives and verbs on Moodle: 15%
3. Grammar part 1: 25%
4. Vocabulary part 2: Wallangues: 20%
5. Grammar part 2: 30%
In the second session, students will have to take all the components.
Other information
  • The students of the first year ESPO (SOCA/HUSO/SPOL/COMU) will first have to inform the secretariat of their faculty about their choice of second language. They will then have access to an electronic test on the Moodle platform. In function of the marks they will obtain, different possibilities of remediation will be recommended if necessary. Among these possibilities the course NEER 1130 will be offered. Those who will choose to attend this course will have extra credits added to their program.
  • Class attendance is obligatory. From 2 unjustified absences onwards, the student's participation mark will be 0/10.
  • Courses in groups of max. 30 students.
  • The teacher can be contacted by e-mail.
Online resources
Moodle LNEER1130
  • Wallangues
  • exercices créés par le professeur et amenés au cours par le professeur
Faculty or entity