Career development


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Our International Executive MBA ranked 3rd worldwide for Career Advancement and Curriculum.

“After 18 years as CTO in a financial services software company, I needed to broaden my knowledge to sales, marketing, management and strategy fields. Not only did the LSM IEMBA allow this to happen, but it also strengthened my international multi-cultural understanding, my self-confidence and my leadership. My understanding of all the fields of a company allows me now to be relevant for any C-level role.”

Renaud Winand
LSM EMBA alumnus, Class V
Unit Manager - Implementation Service, Xperthis


“The executive of today is a leader who understands international business, knows how to seamless drive different areas of a corporation towards a single goal, a person able to use learnings of other industries to apply to their own, for that the LSM Executive MBA ticks all the boxes and combined with experienced teachers from different industries, made it a true career springboard.”

Marcelo Godinho
LSM EMBA alumnus, Class IV
Head of OEM Digital Solutions, EMIA Bridgestone Mobility Solutions Unit (Belgium)


“I’ve been with GSK for 23 years now. At some point in the middle of my career I started asking myself “do I want to stay here”? I was thinking that the world is big, I want to learn more. So, for me there were two options. Either to quit the company or to learn and discover something new that will really help me in my career. And as I am completely aligned with my current company’s values, I decided to go forward and to enroll myself in the EMBA. In fact, it was one of the most important experiences I had in my life. It was wonderful but it was also tough. It is demanding, but EMBA gave me more confidence. The courses were great, you learn a lot, you open your mind to different fields. The EMBA journey is exciting because you meet people from different industries and different countries. In short, after the EMBA I felt more confident and more myself.”

Amina Laanan
LSM EMBA alumna, Class X
Head of Manufacturing at GSK