At Bruxelles Saint-Louis
60 credits - 1 year
Shift schedule - In French
Programme acronym: EUHB2MC
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : NO
Activities in English: YES
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO


The Advanced master's degree in EU interdisciplinary studies is an academic programme organised jointly by the Institute for European Studies Saint-Louis - Bruxelles and the Interfaculties School for European Studies (

It is an evening programme which takes place over one year and is aimed at students who already have a university degree and for those who are already in the workforce. It allows the acquisition or reinforcement of expertise in the field of European affairs.

Classes are held Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 9pm (on average three times a week) at the Saint-Louis - Bruxelles campus.

Your profile

This advanced master's degree (one-year evening programme) is for students who:

  • have a master's degree or equivalent;
  • would like to further their knowledge of European Union law and policies;
  • work and would like to acquire expertise in European affairs;
  • are looking for an evening programme which is compatible with a professional activity.

Your future job

The programme is demanding both in terms of the in-depth nature of the courses and the extent of knowledge it provides in all aspects of European integration, including reflective and critical dimensions.

The master's degree therefore prepares students for professions which have a European dimension in the fields of public administration – European, national, regional and local – the representation of interests, consultancy and research. It also enables professional integration in the economic and social sectors where European expertise is required.

Your programme

This programme offers:

  • a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges of European integration;
  • specialised courses led by researchers in these fields;
  • adaptations for those in the workforce, with the possibility of spreading the programme over two years.