Tronc commun [64.0]Mémoire au choix (15 credits)LACTU2900 Master thesis : research
q1 or q2 15 credits
LACTU2910 Master Thesis : ProjectFR
q1 or q2 15 credits
Mathématiques de l'assurance (27 credits)LACTU2030 Life insurance actuarial scienceLACTU2280 Reinsurance and risk exchangesData science (22 credits)LACTU2150 Statistical analysis of insurance dataLACTU2160 Actuarial methods for segmentationLDATS2310 Deep learning for Insurance and Finance -
Professional Focus [30.0]Content:LACTU2210 Quantitative Risk ManagementLACTU2220 Asset and Liability ManagementLACTU2230 Health insurance actuarial scienceLACTU2260 Actuarial Enterprise Risk Management
Cours au choix [26.0]Content:Data scienceLDATS2350 Data MiningLDATS2360 Seminar in data management: basicLINFO2275 Data mining & decision makingMathématiques de la financeLSTAT2170 Times seriesFinanceLLSMS2138 Big data in financeLLSMS2226 Credit and interest rate riskDroit des assurancesLDROP2021 Insurance Law
Optional coursesThese credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.Content:LSST1001 IngénieuxSudLSST1002M Information and critical thinking - MOOC
q2 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Cours de langueLANGL1330 English intermediate level - 1st partEN
q1 or q2 20h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Brabant
> Charline Coduti (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Estelle Dagneaux
> Jean-Luc Delghust
> Aurélie Deneumoustier
> Fanny Desterbecq
> Marie Duelz
> Claudine Grommersch
> Adrien Kefer
> Sandrine Mulkers (coord.)
> Yannick Paquin (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Marc Piwnik (coord.)
> Françoise Stas
Stéphanie Brabant