Main courses [40.0]Cours (20 credits)LECON2351 Non profit Economics
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
Séminaire (5 credits)FR
q1 or q2 15h 5 credits
Mémoire de fin d'études (15 credits)Choix du type de mémoireL'étudiant.e opte pour l'une des deux configurations de mémoire suivantes:LECSO2902 Mémoire-rechercheFR
q1+q2 15 credits
LECSO2903 Mémoire-projet et stageFR
q1+q2 15 credits
Choose one option from the following two.
Social economy, business and transition [20.0]
International approach to the social economy [20.0]
The student who chooses this option will take 20 course credits at a partner university of the program. The exchange is compulsory and takes place during the second semester.