
The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

Each course is subject to one or more evaluations, in the form of written and/or oral exams, organised in two main sessions: one in January and the other in June. The September session is a re-sit opportunity. The specific details of the exam are communicated to the students at the start of each course. These evaluations are intended to assess the learning outcomes defined in the course objectives.

With regard to the practical elements of the training (practicals, seminars and projects), the evaluation is ongoing and may include a final assessment. It places the emphasis on expertise in the fields of health science and pharmacy and on the students' ability to tackle a pharmaceutical problem using a scientific approach. The evaluation of certain seminars and work is aimed at appraising the incorporation of the different pharmacy disciplines by the students.