
The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

Student work is evaluated according to University rules (see the rules for evaluating coursework and exams) namely written and oral exams, laboratory reports, individual or group work, public presentations of projects and theses defences.

NRGY Evaluation Methods :

Learning outcomesCertificate-based evaluationFormative evaluation

Demonstrate mastery of a solid body of knowledge in basic science and engineering science allowing the student to learn and solve problems pertaining to electro-mechanics (axis 1)

Organize and carry out an applied engineering process to develop a product and/or service responding to a particular need or problem in the field of electro-mechanics. (Axis 2)

  • End of the semester exam based on course exercises
  • Tests in some introductory classes
  • Tutor feedback in exercises-based classes and APP
Organise and carryout a research project to learn about a physical phenomenon or a new problem relating to the field of electro-mechanics. (Axis 3)
  • Report on mini project in field of study
  • Progress report on multidisciplinary project
  • Tutor feedback in exercises-based classes and APP
  • Evaluation grids available for self evaluation

Contribute, through teamwork, to a multidisciplinary project and carry out the project while taking into account its objectives, resources, and constraints. (Axis 4)

Communicate effectively (speaking or writing in French or a foreign language) with the goal of carrying out assigned projects. (Axis 5)

Display rigour, openness, and critical thinking; validate the socio-technical relevance of a hypothesis or a solution, all the while drawing upon available technological and scientific innovations. (Axis 6)

  • Progress report on multidisciplinary project
  • Report, public presentation, and yearly work for graduation project
  • Tutor feedback in exercises-based classes and APP
  • practice presentations before graduation project presentations

In certain instances, teaching is done through multidisciplinary project, the Learning by Problem Solving method (Apprentissage par problèmes or APP), flipped classes or seminars.

The certificate-based evaluation are coherent with the teachnig methods and the learning outcomes.

The formative evaluation is achieved in part during the projects via tutor feedback and above all during the graduation project.

For more information on evaluation methods, students may consult the relevant evaluation descriptions.