30 crédits
Year 1 - minor on European Studies
q2 30h 5 credits
LPOLS1323 European Institutions and Policies [M]
Students registered to SPOL1BA ou HUSO1BA, the lecture LPOLS1323 must be followed during SPOL1BA ou HUSO1BA. In the minor students will register to the lecture LFIAL1130 in place of LPOLS1323.Year 2 - minor on European Studies
q2 30h 5 credits
LEURO1305 Introduction to European Union law
Students of BAC3 in Law registered to the EURO Minor, who has already followed during BAC2 in Law the lecture LDROI1226 "European Union Law", will register to the lecture LFIAL1130 to replace LEURO1305.
q2 30h 5 credits
Optional course
LFIAL1130 European Literatures: Historical and Comparative Approach
Students of BAC3 in Law registered to the EURO Minor, who has already followed during BAC2 in Law the lecture LDROI1226 "European Union Law", will register to the lecture LFIAL1130 to replace LEURO1305. Students registered to SPOL1BA ou HUSO1BA, the lecture LPOLS1323 must be followed during SPOL1BA ou HUSO1BA. In the minor students will register to the lecture LFIAL1130 in place of LPOLS1323.