Programme structure

The core courses (82 credits) must include a dissertation, one seminar in heuristics and one in theological integration. The other activities cover the diverse areas of theological studies and are offered in the form of biennial courses. In addition, students choose an in-depth subject for a total of 30 credits and complete their programme with elective courses.
Each student's programme will amount to at least 60 credits per year.
It must be approved by the Chair of the Faculty Masters Committee (TEBI).
Any student who so wishes may, with the consent of the aforementioned Chair, replace the activities included in his programme with equivalent activities which feature in the Masters programme offered by KULeuven (Faculteit Godgeleerdheid). The total number of activities followed at Leuven must not exceed 20 credits. Once he has exceeded 20 credits, the student is invited to enroll in the exchange programme which features in the agreement between the two faculties.

For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.