![Faculty of Public Health (FSP)](https://cdn.uclouvain.be/cdn-osis/ppe/2024/common/images/fsp.jpg)
60 credits - 1 year
Day schedule - In English
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Internship : NO
Activities in other languages : NO
Description :
The objective of this Advanced Master in Public Health Methodology is to provide a large degree of autonomy in the use of public health methods. The programme is addressed to public health professionals, health managers, who work at different levels of the health system, with a view to providing them with a specific skills needed for health system management and development of analytical and specialized approaches to strengthen their action strategies (operational research, health planning, health services research, health strategies and management). The targeted skills aim at the achievement of an overall objective which is to: "ensure methodological approaches and public health decision-makings, consistent with the needs of people, communities and individuals." This Advanced Master thus highlights the methodologies of analysis and investigation of major health issues in developing countries and in a global health approach. It also intends to give to the students a sufficient basis for a systemic understanding of health issues as well as contextual and environmental factors that determine the answers to them. By the variety of teaching methods and by the commitment of teachers and students, this Advanced Master will enable health professionals to specialize in the aspects of the fight against disease and for a better health (epidemiology and biostatistics), organization and policy, systems and health services management (health economics aspects, management, health planning and operational research) as well as the development of social approaches to health and transversal skills such as research methodology, scientific writing and capitalization of public health actions.
Training content
This 60 ECTS programme, which covers different methodological aspects, is composed of a compulsory part (50 ECTS) and an optional part (30 ECTS are proposed and the student must choose at least 10 - with a maximum of 25)
The compulsory part of the program counts for 50 ECTS:
- Biostatistics and epidemiology
- Qualitative methods and contextual factors in public health
- Health economics and quality management
- Planning and health system research and management
- Operational research and south lectures
- Master Thesis
The several optional teaching units are related to :
- Health information system, interview and questionnaire surveys
- Advanced methods in biostatistics and epidemiology
- The WHO strategy for incorporation of traditional medicine in healthcare
- Special research questions in public health
- Special research question in emergency situations
- Interdisciplinary seminars in translational medicine
Your profile
This Advanced Master is open to a wide range of practitioners (public health executives, medical doctors, health economists, research workers in the biomedical sector, etc.).
This course is an Advanced Master degree which means a master subsequent to a previous master. Therefore the general admission requirement for the course is that the applicants must possess a diploma at least equivalent to a master degree (5 years of university education).
To be admitted, applicants must bear a 2nd cycle degree considered equivalent to 300 credits (minimum 5 years of study) by the Jury. If the degree represents only 240 credits (minimum 4 years of study), the candidate should have acquired 60 extra credits through other 2nd cycle studies or through some form of specialization, or must prove to have acquired the useful knowledge through personal or professional experience.