Archive of past events of the site Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale
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"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #224 Feb"‘Darwinism’ in Victorian England: a contested category” fit? Piers HALE (University of Oklahoma) Although terms like Darwinism and Social Darwinism have been used as historical categories to classify certain forms of biological or social thought, the historical record reveals that what it meant to be a Darwinian and what implications this might have for our conception of human nature and thus fEn savoir plus"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #224 Feb"‘Darwinism’ in Victorian England: a contested category” fit? Piers HALE (University of Oklahoma) Although terms like Darwinism and Social Darwinism have been used as historical categories to classify certain forms of biological or social thought, the historical record reveals that what it meant to be a Darwinian and what implications this might have for our conception of human nature and thus f
Table ronde autour de "Retraites et justice sociale. La logique de la retraite inversée22 FebIntervenants : Daniel Dumont (ULB) Nathalie Frogneux (UCLouvain - ISP) Jean Hindriks (UCLouvain - CORE) Gregory Ponthiere (UCLouvain - ISP) En ce XXIe siècle, l’idée d’un revenu de base à destination de la jeunesse est devenue un incontournable du débat public sur la réforme de la protection sociale.En savoir plusTable ronde autour de "Retraites et justice sociale. La logique de la retraite inversée22 FebIntervenants : Daniel Dumont (ULB) Nathalie Frogneux (UCLouvain - ISP) Jean Hindriks (UCLouvain - CORE) Gregory Ponthiere (UCLouvain - ISP) En ce XXIe siècle, l’idée d’un revenu de base à destination de la jeunesse est devenue un incontournable du débat public sur la réforme de la protection sociale.
Mich "From Turgot’s freedom to labour to Jacobin socialism’s right to work"15 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Pablo Scotto Benito In 1776, Turgot abolishes the guilds in France in the name of the right to work, understood as the freedom of every individual to choose their profession.En savoir plusMich "From Turgot’s freedom to labour to Jacobin socialism’s right to work"15 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Pablo Scotto Benito In 1776, Turgot abolishes the guilds in France in the name of the right to work, understood as the freedom of every individual to choose their profession.
"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #110 Feb"Homo Moralis, a model of moral behavior grounded on evolutionary arguments". Ingela ALGER (TSE IAST) et Jean-François LASLIER (PSE) “Survival of the fittest” is often taken to imply that human life must be the Hobbesian “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” However, recent theoretical analyses of the evolution of preferences guiding behaviors of individuals show, on the conEn savoir plus"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #110 Feb"Homo Moralis, a model of moral behavior grounded on evolutionary arguments". Ingela ALGER (TSE IAST) et Jean-François LASLIER (PSE) “Survival of the fittest” is often taken to imply that human life must be the Hobbesian “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” However, recent theoretical analyses of the evolution of preferences guiding behaviors of individuals show, on the con
The Hoover Diaspora Annual Conference10 Feb11 FebTwo days Hoover Alumni conference in economic and social ethics February 10-11 - Louvain-la-Neuve - Hybrid mode On the occasion of the Hoover Chair in economic and social ethics’ 30th birthday, we decided to launch a new initiative aimed at bringing together the community of former visitors and fellows of the Chair.En savoir plusThe Hoover Diaspora Annual Conference10 Feb11 FebTwo days Hoover Alumni conference in economic and social ethics February 10-11 - Louvain-la-Neuve - Hybrid mode On the occasion of the Hoover Chair in economic and social ethics’ 30th birthday, we decided to launch a new initiative aimed at bringing together the community of former visitors and fellows of the Chair.
Mich "Digital sovereignty facing data domination, democratic elitism and techno-solutionism"08 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Sara Suarez Gonzalo Data-driven technologies have relevant implications in our daily lives, affecting our democracies and fundamental rights. Getting a job, crossing borders, receiving public assistance or keeping informed are increasingly technologically mediated.En savoir plusMich "Digital sovereignty facing data domination, democratic elitism and techno-solutionism"08 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Sara Suarez Gonzalo Data-driven technologies have relevant implications in our daily lives, affecting our democracies and fundamental rights. Getting a job, crossing borders, receiving public assistance or keeping informed are increasingly technologically mediated.
MICH "Realizing Climate justice through taxation?"01 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Pierre André Realizing climate justice through taxation? The ethical cases for carbon dividends Introducing carbon pricing mechanisms in rich countries seems justified by intergenerational and global climate justice to avoid systematic infringements on basic human rights.En savoir plusMICH "Realizing Climate justice through taxation?"01 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Pierre André Realizing climate justice through taxation? The ethical cases for carbon dividends Introducing carbon pricing mechanisms in rich countries seems justified by intergenerational and global climate justice to avoid systematic infringements on basic human rights.
BIP#1416 JanMartin O'Neill
Midi de l'éthique - "Should Afghan Women automatically be granted asylum ?"14 DecThe condition of women in Afghanistan and elsewhere on the planet is a source of very serious concern. This raises the question whether gender should be a source of special refugee rights in some cases.En savoir plusMidi de l'éthique - "Should Afghan Women automatically be granted asylum ?"14 DecThe condition of women in Afghanistan and elsewhere on the planet is a source of very serious concern. This raises the question whether gender should be a source of special refugee rights in some cases.
E-Mich - "Gerrymandering distributive justice"07 DecMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Speranta DUMITRU This paper argues that methodological nationalism distorts Rawls’ understanding of justice. Methodological nationalism assumes that nation-states are the relevant units of analysis, and so does Rawls. This choice is, however, a source of bias for various reasons.En savoir plusE-Mich - "Gerrymandering distributive justice"07 DecMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Speranta DUMITRU This paper argues that methodological nationalism distorts Rawls’ understanding of justice. Methodological nationalism assumes that nation-states are the relevant units of analysis, and so does Rawls. This choice is, however, a source of bias for various reasons.