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IMCN thesis defence - LYONS Rowanne19 DecSynthesis and rheology of double dynamic polymer networks based on metal-ligand interactions Polymer networks are created by crosslinked polymer chains. These links can be covalent (permanent) or non-covalent (reversible) with consequent effects on the material properties.En savoir plusIMCN thesis defence - LYONS Rowanne19 DecSynthesis and rheology of double dynamic polymer networks based on metal-ligand interactions Polymer networks are created by crosslinked polymer chains. These links can be covalent (permanent) or non-covalent (reversible) with consequent effects on the material properties.
IMCN Seminar - Prof. Erwin REISNER06 DecSolar Panels for Light-to-Chemical Conversion Solar panels can not only produce electricity, but are also in early-stage development for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals.En savoir plusIMCN Seminar - Prof. Erwin REISNER06 DecSolar Panels for Light-to-Chemical Conversion Solar panels can not only produce electricity, but are also in early-stage development for the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals.
IMCN thesis defence - GAMEZ RIVERA Sebastian Antonio01 DecRuthenium-Polydopamine-Supported carbon catalysts for the oxidative cleavage of unsaturated fatty acids from Ecuadorian Palm oil by Sebastian Antonio GAMEZ RIVERA Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique Oxidative cleavage involves the rupture of carbon-carbon double bonds in alkenes for the production of carbonyl compounds of high adEn savoir plusIMCN thesis defence - GAMEZ RIVERA Sebastian Antonio01 DecRuthenium-Polydopamine-Supported carbon catalysts for the oxidative cleavage of unsaturated fatty acids from Ecuadorian Palm oil by Sebastian Antonio GAMEZ RIVERA Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique Oxidative cleavage involves the rupture of carbon-carbon double bonds in alkenes for the production of carbonyl compounds of high ad
IMCN thesis defence - DELMEZ, V.22 NovTransferring biomolecules with gas cluster ion beams by Vincent DELMEZ Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Surface biofunctionalization with proteins is the key to many biomedical applications. In this work, a novel biomolecule immobilization method is proposed and developed.En savoir plusIMCN thesis defence - DELMEZ, V.22 NovTransferring biomolecules with gas cluster ion beams by Vincent DELMEZ Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Surface biofunctionalization with proteins is the key to many biomedical applications. In this work, a novel biomolecule immobilization method is proposed and developed.
IMCN Seminar - Prof. L. TROIAN GAUTIER21 NovMaking the Most of Photons: Controlling Excited-State Reactivity Towards More Efficient Energy Conversion ABSTRACT: Solar energy represents a promising renewable energy source. In natural and artificial photosynthesis, light absorption and catalysis are separate processes linked together by exergonic electron transfer.En savoir plusIMCN Seminar - Prof. L. TROIAN GAUTIER21 NovMaking the Most of Photons: Controlling Excited-State Reactivity Towards More Efficient Energy Conversion ABSTRACT: Solar energy represents a promising renewable energy source. In natural and artificial photosynthesis, light absorption and catalysis are separate processes linked together by exergonic electron transfer.
IMCN seminar - Prof. Teruyuki KOMATSU17 JunProtein-Based Microtubes and Nanotubes as Ultrasmall Biomaterials Cylindrical hollow structures in micro/nanometer-scale prepared using biomacromolecules, such as proteins, peptides, DNAs, and polysaccharides, have attracted considerable attentions because of their potential applications.En savoir plusIMCN seminar - Prof. Teruyuki KOMATSU17 JunProtein-Based Microtubes and Nanotubes as Ultrasmall Biomaterials Cylindrical hollow structures in micro/nanometer-scale prepared using biomacromolecules, such as proteins, peptides, DNAs, and polysaccharides, have attracted considerable attentions because of their potential applications.
IMCN Thesis - Xiaozhe ZHANG17 JunOrganic Liquid Electrolyte for Safe and High-energy Lithium-based Batteries by Xiaozhe ZHANG State-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are approaching their limits while not being able to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for higher energy and power applications.En savoir plusIMCN Thesis - Xiaozhe ZHANG17 JunOrganic Liquid Electrolyte for Safe and High-energy Lithium-based Batteries by Xiaozhe ZHANG State-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are approaching their limits while not being able to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for higher energy and power applications.
IMCN seminar - Prof. Piyasan PRASERTHDAM13 Jun"A comparative study on the process selection for CO2 conversion to methanol: thermocatalytic, electrocatalytic, or photocatalytic ?" Prof.En savoir plusIMCN seminar - Prof. Piyasan PRASERTHDAM13 Jun"A comparative study on the process selection for CO2 conversion to methanol: thermocatalytic, electrocatalytic, or photocatalytic ?" Prof.
IMCN seminar - Prof. Antoni LLOBET13 Jun“Hybrid Molecular Materials for Solar Fuels Generation” Prof. Antoni LLOBET Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain ABSTRACT The replacement of fossil fuels by a clean and renewable energy source is one of the most urgent and challenging issues our society is facing today, which is why intense research is devoted to this topic recently.En savoir plusIMCN seminar - Prof. Antoni LLOBET13 Jun“Hybrid Molecular Materials for Solar Fuels Generation” Prof. Antoni LLOBET Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain ABSTRACT The replacement of fossil fuels by a clean and renewable energy source is one of the most urgent and challenging issues our society is facing today, which is why intense research is devoted to this topic recently.
IMCN thesis defence - SBRESCIA SImone03 JunTemperature Resistance of Soft TPEs : Effects of Composition and Mw on the Deformation and Failure Behavior Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are an extremely versatile class of engineering plastics that are suitable for many applications thanks to their high extensibility, reversible elasticity, and tunable hardnEn savoir plusIMCN thesis defence - SBRESCIA SImone03 JunTemperature Resistance of Soft TPEs : Effects of Composition and Mw on the Deformation and Failure Behavior Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are an extremely versatile class of engineering plastics that are suitable for many applications thanks to their high extensibility, reversible elasticity, and tunable hardn