Archive of past events of the site Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC)
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10/10/2023 IREC Seminar & Welcome event - Pr M. Grootaert - The metabolic roots of cell senescence in cardiometabolic disease10 OctWelcome to Prof Mandy Grootaert - Academic position in endocrine physiology and physiopathology Title: The metabolic roots of cell senescence in cardiometabolic disease Mandy Grootaert has been newly appointed by the university with an academic position in endocrine physiology and pathophysiology.En savoir plus10/10/2023 IREC Seminar & Welcome event - Pr M. Grootaert - The metabolic roots of cell senescence in cardiometabolic disease10 OctWelcome to Prof Mandy Grootaert - Academic position in endocrine physiology and physiopathology Title: The metabolic roots of cell senescence in cardiometabolic disease Mandy Grootaert has been newly appointed by the university with an academic position in endocrine physiology and pathophysiology.
4/10/2023 - Pr A. Morandi - Metabolic Deregulation and Reprogramming in Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers04 OctWe are pleased to announce the next IREC/LDRI seminar taking place on Wednesday, October 4th 2023, 10 AM Speaker : Pr Andrea Morandi, University of Florence Title : "Metabolic Deregulation and Reprogramming in Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers" Place : Auditoire 42A Martin VEn savoir plus4/10/2023 - Pr A. Morandi - Metabolic Deregulation and Reprogramming in Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers04 OctWe are pleased to announce the next IREC/LDRI seminar taking place on Wednesday, October 4th 2023, 10 AM Speaker : Pr Andrea Morandi, University of Florence Title : "Metabolic Deregulation and Reprogramming in Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers" Place : Auditoire 42A Martin V
27.09.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Marc Kanbar27 SepDear IREC Members, You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Marc Kanbar that will take place on September 27th, 6:00 PM Speaker: Marc Kanbar Title: "In vitro maturation of cryopreserved prepubertal spermatogonial stem cells to restore fertility after gonadotoxic therapies" Date: September 27th Time: 6:00 PM Place: Salle de conférences de La Verrière (route 278, Cliniques univeEn savoir plus27.09.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Marc Kanbar27 SepDear IREC Members, You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Marc Kanbar that will take place on September 27th, 6:00 PM Speaker: Marc Kanbar Title: "In vitro maturation of cryopreserved prepubertal spermatogonial stem cells to restore fertility after gonadotoxic therapies" Date: September 27th Time: 6:00 PM Place: Salle de conférences de La Verrière (route 278, Cliniques unive
22.09.2023 - IREC PhD Day 202322 SepSave the date : Journée des doctorants de l'IREC La 10e Journée des doctorants de l'IREC aura lieu le vendredi 22 septembre 2023. Inscription (obligatoire): en ligne ►► Programme et infosEn savoir plus22.09.2023 - IREC PhD Day 202322 SepSave the date : Journée des doctorants de l'IREC La 10e Journée des doctorants de l'IREC aura lieu le vendredi 22 septembre 2023. Inscription (obligatoire): en ligne ►► Programme et infos
14.09.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Matteo Pettinari14 SepYou are all very welcome to the public soutenane of thesis of Matteo Pettinari that will take place on September 14th, 5:00 PM Speaker: Matteo Pettinari Title: " New clinical and pathophysiological insight in functional tricuspid regurgitation" Date: September 14th Time: 5:00 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof. Jean Louis Vanoverschelde Co-promotor:En savoir plus14.09.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Matteo Pettinari14 SepYou are all very welcome to the public soutenane of thesis of Matteo Pettinari that will take place on September 14th, 5:00 PM Speaker: Matteo Pettinari Title: " New clinical and pathophysiological insight in functional tricuspid regurgitation" Date: September 14th Time: 5:00 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof. Jean Louis Vanoverschelde Co-promotor:
31.08.2023 - Seminar - Prof. Michel Bernier (CHUV Lausannne)31 AugWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on August 31th 2023, 1:00 PM Speaker : Prof. Michel Burnier (CHUV Lausanne) Title : “Les défis de la mesure de l'adhérence au traitement" Place : Auditoire Gerty CoriEn savoir plus31.08.2023 - Seminar - Prof. Michel Bernier (CHUV Lausannne)31 AugWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on August 31th 2023, 1:00 PM Speaker : Prof. Michel Burnier (CHUV Lausanne) Title : “Les défis de la mesure de l'adhérence au traitement" Place : Auditoire Gerty Cori
31.08.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Coralie Georges31 AugYou are all very welcome to the public soutenance of thesis of Coralie Georges that will take place on August 31th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Coralie Georges Title: "Dissection of the interactions between psychological profile, drug adherence and blood pressure control in various subsets of resistant hypertensive patients" Date: August 31th Time: 5:30 PM Place: Gerty Cori Promotor: Prof.En savoir plus31.08.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Coralie Georges31 AugYou are all very welcome to the public soutenance of thesis of Coralie Georges that will take place on August 31th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Coralie Georges Title: "Dissection of the interactions between psychological profile, drug adherence and blood pressure control in various subsets of resistant hypertensive patients" Date: August 31th Time: 5:30 PM Place: Gerty Cori Promotor: Prof.
24.08.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Thai Che Hoang24 AugYou are all very welcome to the public soutenance of thesis of Thai Che Hoang that will take place on August 24th, 5:00 PM Speaker: Thai Che Hoang Title: "Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam and risk factors" Date: August 24th Time: 5:00 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof.En savoir plus24.08.2023 - Public Soutenance of thesis - Thai Che Hoang24 AugYou are all very welcome to the public soutenance of thesis of Thai Che Hoang that will take place on August 24th, 5:00 PM Speaker: Thai Che Hoang Title: "Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam and risk factors" Date: August 24th Time: 5:00 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof.
06.07.2023 - IREC Seminar - Prof. Mark Grinstaff (Boston University)06 JulWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on Thuersday July 6th 2023 (9:30 AM to 11.30 AM) Speaker : Prof.En savoir plus06.07.2023 - IREC Seminar - Prof. Mark Grinstaff (Boston University)06 JulWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on Thuersday July 6th 2023 (9:30 AM to 11.30 AM) Speaker : Prof.
21.06.2023 - Thesis Defense - Julien De Poortere21 JunYou are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Julien De Poortere that will take place on June 21th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Julien De Poortere Title: « α1AMPK as a key regulator of immunothrombosis during sepsis" Date: June 21th Time: 5:30 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof. Christophe Beauloye Co-promotor: Prof. Sandrine HormanEn savoir plus21.06.2023 - Thesis Defense - Julien De Poortere21 JunYou are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Julien De Poortere that will take place on June 21th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Julien De Poortere Title: « α1AMPK as a key regulator of immunothrombosis during sepsis" Date: June 21th Time: 5:30 PM Place: Auditoire Maisin Promotor: Prof. Christophe Beauloye Co-promotor: Prof. Sandrine Horman