Archive of past events of the site Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC)
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9th International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research (GIAR)25 FebThe 9th International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research (GIAR) ‘Breakthroughs in Cancer Metabolism and Technological Perspectives’ is taking place online on 25/02/2021. Link for registration: The program and additional information are available in the document here attached.En savoir plus9th International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research (GIAR)25 FebThe 9th International Symposium of Gunma University Initiative for Advanced Research (GIAR) ‘Breakthroughs in Cancer Metabolism and Technological Perspectives’ is taking place online on 25/02/2021. Link for registration: The program and additional information are available in the document here attached.
23.02.2021 Thesis Defence - Franck Assogba23 FebVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Franck ASSOGBA le mardi 23 février à 17h. La défense se fera en visio conférence sur teams.Si vous voulez participer, merci de nous le signaler. Nous enverrons une invitation. Sa thèse est intitulée : “How to improve the care of hip osteoarthritis in low income countries as Benin ?En savoir plus23.02.2021 Thesis Defence - Franck Assogba23 FebVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Franck ASSOGBA le mardi 23 février à 17h. La défense se fera en visio conférence sur teams.Si vous voulez participer, merci de nous le signaler. Nous enverrons une invitation. Sa thèse est intitulée : “How to improve the care of hip osteoarthritis in low income countries as Benin ?
22.02.2021 Thesis Defence - Loic FONKOUE22 FebVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de la thèse de Loic FONKOUE (en vidéo conférence) le lundi 22 février à 18h. "Genicular nerve anatomy From accuracy of anatomical landmarks to the treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain by genicular nerve blockade and radiofrequency ablation" Promoteur : Professeur Olivier CORNU Voici le lien pour vous connecter Participez à ma réuniEn savoir plus22.02.2021 Thesis Defence - Loic FONKOUE22 FebVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de la thèse de Loic FONKOUE (en vidéo conférence) le lundi 22 février à 18h. "Genicular nerve anatomy From accuracy of anatomical landmarks to the treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain by genicular nerve blockade and radiofrequency ablation" Promoteur : Professeur Olivier CORNU Voici le lien pour vous connecter Participez à ma réuni
22.02.2021: Seminar - Pr Vinken (VUB)22 FebWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on Monday 22 February 2021: Speaker: Pr Mathieu Vinken (VUB) Title: 'Liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing and drug development' Date: Monday, 22 February 2021 Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Place: Remote Participation via Teams, see instructions here below. REMOTE PARTICIPATION : The seminar will be broadEn savoir plus22.02.2021: Seminar - Pr Vinken (VUB)22 FebWe are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on Monday 22 February 2021: Speaker: Pr Mathieu Vinken (VUB) Title: 'Liver-based in vitro models for toxicity testing and drug development' Date: Monday, 22 February 2021 Time: 12:00 – 13:00 Place: Remote Participation via Teams, see instructions here below. REMOTE PARTICIPATION : The seminar will be broad
Bureau du 11/02/202111 Feb
8-12 Feb 2021: Grant Writing Workshop08 Feb12 FebREGISTRATION IS CLOSED! GRANT WRITING WORKSHOP REGISTRATION A Grant Writing Workshop addressed to IREC Senior Post-Doc will be organised on February 8-12 via Zoom. The workshop is given by Dr Julia Staykova from Scriptorium Consulting. The programme and the trainer's bio are available in the attachment here below. PLACES ARE LIMITED. In order to participate, REGISTRATIOEn savoir plus8-12 Feb 2021: Grant Writing Workshop08 Feb12 FebREGISTRATION IS CLOSED! GRANT WRITING WORKSHOP REGISTRATION A Grant Writing Workshop addressed to IREC Senior Post-Doc will be organised on February 8-12 via Zoom. The workshop is given by Dr Julia Staykova from Scriptorium Consulting. The programme and the trainer's bio are available in the attachment here below. PLACES ARE LIMITED. In order to participate, REGISTRATIO
21.12.2020: Seminar Pr Laurent Gatto (de Duve - IREC)21 DecWe are pleased to announce the next seminar taking place in the context of the LIAM initiative (Louvain Artificial Intelligence for Medicine): Speaker: Pr Laurent Gatto (de Duve – IREC) Title: “Where and with whom: using Bayesian inference and deep learning to study protein localisation and protein-protein interactions” Abstract: : In biology, localisation of and interaction among proteEn savoir plus21.12.2020: Seminar Pr Laurent Gatto (de Duve - IREC)21 DecWe are pleased to announce the next seminar taking place in the context of the LIAM initiative (Louvain Artificial Intelligence for Medicine): Speaker: Pr Laurent Gatto (de Duve – IREC) Title: “Where and with whom: using Bayesian inference and deep learning to study protein localisation and protein-protein interactions” Abstract: : In biology, localisation of and interaction among prote
18.12.2020 Thesis Defence - Biébo Bihoun18 DecYou are all very welcome to the thesis defence of Biébo Bihoun that will take place on Friday 18 December 2020: Speaker: Biébo Bihoun Title: Age-related factors associated with placental malaria and adverse pregnancy outcomes in rural Burkina Faso Date: Friday 18 December 2020 Time: 18h Place: via Teams > the link is available on the attached poster PromoteEn savoir plus18.12.2020 Thesis Defence - Biébo Bihoun18 DecYou are all very welcome to the thesis defence of Biébo Bihoun that will take place on Friday 18 December 2020: Speaker: Biébo Bihoun Title: Age-related factors associated with placental malaria and adverse pregnancy outcomes in rural Burkina Faso Date: Friday 18 December 2020 Time: 18h Place: via Teams > the link is available on the attached poster Promote
Bureau du 10/12/202010 Dec
09.12.2020 Thesis Defence - Renaud Hage09 DecVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Renaud Hage Titre : Kinematic characterization of fast and accurate cervical rotations during point-to-point test in healthy and neck pain individuals Promoteurs: Pr Christine Detrembleur & Pr Laurent Pitance Date: 9 décembre à 17h30 Lieu : TEAMS Si vous souhaitez participer, envoyezEn savoir plus09.12.2020 Thesis Defence - Renaud Hage09 DecVous êtes cordialement invités à la défense publique de thèse de Renaud Hage Titre : Kinematic characterization of fast and accurate cervical rotations during point-to-point test in healthy and neck pain individuals Promoteurs: Pr Christine Detrembleur & Pr Laurent Pitance Date: 9 décembre à 17h30 Lieu : TEAMS Si vous souhaitez participer, envoyez