Archive of past events of the site Higher institute of philosophy
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Aristotle on Happiness and Virtue13 Feb14 Feb
Medicine between science and practice: the case of the (scientific) understanding of medically unexplained physical symptoms05 Feb
On the Explanation of Logical Theorems30 JanSpeaker : Yannic Kappes, Hamburg University Title: On the Explanation of Logical Theorems Abstract: Standard grounding explanations of logical theorems explain the latter in terms of their true atomic constituents. For example, if P is true, then P∨¬P is grounded in (and hence explained by) P. This can seem unsatisfactory for various reasons.En savoir plusOn the Explanation of Logical Theorems30 JanSpeaker : Yannic Kappes, Hamburg University Title: On the Explanation of Logical Theorems Abstract: Standard grounding explanations of logical theorems explain the latter in terms of their true atomic constituents. For example, if P is true, then P∨¬P is grounded in (and hence explained by) P. This can seem unsatisfactory for various reasons.
Séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE16 JanLa quatrième séance du programme 2019-2020 du séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE aura lieu le jeudi 16 janvier 2020 de 10h45 à 12h45 au Mercator 14 (Louvain-la-Neuve) - "Crise climatique, crise de la biodiversité, crise de l'anthropocentrisme : s’agit-il d’une seule et même crise ?En savoir plusSéminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE16 JanLa quatrième séance du programme 2019-2020 du séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE aura lieu le jeudi 16 janvier 2020 de 10h45 à 12h45 au Mercator 14 (Louvain-la-Neuve) - "Crise climatique, crise de la biodiversité, crise de l'anthropocentrisme : s’agit-il d’une seule et même crise ?
Jean Bricmont 'Realism, Idealism and Relativism'15 JanFor a CEFISES seminar we welcome Prof.En savoir plusJean Bricmont 'Realism, Idealism and Relativism'15 JanFor a CEFISES seminar we welcome Prof.