Archive of past events of the site Louvain Research Institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built Environment
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Workshop 2 Tonnes18 DecL'atelier immersif pour imaginer le futur et agir pour la transition écologique ! L'atelier 2tonnes propose aux participants d’explorer le futur en équipe et d’essayer de limiter le changement climatique en atteignant ces fameuses 2tonnes par an et par personne, d’ici à 2050.En savoir plusWorkshop 2 Tonnes18 DecL'atelier immersif pour imaginer le futur et agir pour la transition écologique ! L'atelier 2tonnes propose aux participants d’explorer le futur en équipe et d’essayer de limiter le changement climatique en atteignant ces fameuses 2tonnes par an et par personne, d’ici à 2050.
22 Nov24 NovL’UCLouvain/Saint-Louis (CTRL+H - Uses&Spaces – LOCI/LAB), Angela.D asbl and ULB (La Cambre-Hortense) invite you to the conference « Housing is Caring : Housing through Gender Studies » on November 22, 23 and 24, 2023 in Brussels. This event aims to bring together different participants (academics, associations, collectives, residents) dealing with issues of gender, care and housing. The fouEn savoir plus22 Nov24 NovL’UCLouvain/Saint-Louis (CTRL+H - Uses&Spaces – LOCI/LAB), Angela.D asbl and ULB (La Cambre-Hortense) invite you to the conference « Housing is Caring : Housing through Gender Studies » on November 22, 23 and 24, 2023 in Brussels. This event aims to bring together different participants (academics, associations, collectives, residents) dealing with issues of gender, care and housing. The fou
Lauréat 2023 de la Bourses Leleux26 OctBourse Leleux : remise de prix de la Bourse Leleux, pour le projet lauréat 2023. La cérémonie se déroulera, en présence de Monsieur Leleux, le 26 octobre à 17h30 sur le site de Tournai de notre faculté LOCI et de notre institut LAB.En savoir plusLauréat 2023 de la Bourses Leleux26 OctBourse Leleux : remise de prix de la Bourse Leleux, pour le projet lauréat 2023. La cérémonie se déroulera, en présence de Monsieur Leleux, le 26 octobre à 17h30 sur le site de Tournai de notre faculté LOCI et de notre institut LAB.
19 SepResearch Seminar by Dr Elek Pafka from the ‘Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-), the University of Melbourne Walkability has emerged as a focus of multi-disciplinary research, linked to the aims of reversing car-dependence and re-enabling walking as a healthy, environmentally sustainable and sociable mode of mobility.En savoir plus19 SepResearch Seminar by Dr Elek Pafka from the ‘Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-), the University of Melbourne Walkability has emerged as a focus of multi-disciplinary research, linked to the aims of reversing car-dependence and re-enabling walking as a healthy, environmentally sustainable and sociable mode of mobility.
18 Sep22 SepLa SlowWeek est l'aboutissement du projet de recherche SlowHeat. Au cours des trois journées ouvertes au public, nous vous proposons de nous rejoindre pour discuter de nos résultats. Pour imaginer la suite? Pour en définir les limites? ou tout simplement pour les découvrir autour d'un verre?En savoir plus18 Sep22 SepLa SlowWeek est l'aboutissement du projet de recherche SlowHeat. Au cours des trois journées ouvertes au public, nous vous proposons de nous rejoindre pour discuter de nos résultats. Pour imaginer la suite? Pour en définir les limites? ou tout simplement pour les découvrir autour d'un verre?
08 SepMatthew Gandy will present arguments from his new book on urban nature by exploring a series of different vantage points for the study of socio-ecological assemblages in urban space. He will reflect on the possibilities for a new conceptual synthesis that combines observational approaches with urban political ecology and recognition of the multispecies city.En savoir plus08 SepMatthew Gandy will present arguments from his new book on urban nature by exploring a series of different vantage points for the study of socio-ecological assemblages in urban space. He will reflect on the possibilities for a new conceptual synthesis that combines observational approaches with urban political ecology and recognition of the multispecies city.
Interdisciplinary Research Seminar07 SepOn 7 and 8 September, The Urban Metabolism Lab will have the pleasure and honour to receive the visit of Prof. Matthew Gandy, Prof. Cultural and Historical Geography, University of Cambridge (Urban Political Ecology research group), Doctor Honoris Causa SST in 2020 and member of the Scientific Committee of our InstituteEn savoir plusInterdisciplinary Research Seminar07 SepOn 7 and 8 September, The Urban Metabolism Lab will have the pleasure and honour to receive the visit of Prof. Matthew Gandy, Prof. Cultural and Historical Geography, University of Cambridge (Urban Political Ecology research group), Doctor Honoris Causa SST in 2020 and member of the Scientific Committee of our Institute
Défense de thèse04 JulKhaled Amcha défendra publiquement sa thèse de doctorat intitulée : INFRASTRUCTURE AUTOROUTIÈRE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT LOCAL Échelles de structuration et opportunités de riverainisation de l’autoroute est-ouest en Algérie La défense est ouverte au public. Le jury est composé de Bernard Declève , Vincent Kaufmann, Aniss Mezoued, Yves Delacretaz, Pierre Vanderstraeten et Gérald Ledent (préEn savoir plusDéfense de thèse04 JulKhaled Amcha défendra publiquement sa thèse de doctorat intitulée : INFRASTRUCTURE AUTOROUTIÈRE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT LOCAL Échelles de structuration et opportunités de riverainisation de l’autoroute est-ouest en Algérie La défense est ouverte au public. Le jury est composé de Bernard Declève , Vincent Kaufmann, Aniss Mezoued, Yves Delacretaz, Pierre Vanderstraeten et Gérald Ledent (pré
20 JunNested Phoenix is a bottom-up parametric model for an integrated life cycle assessment and material stocks and flows analysis of built environment. Coupled with geographical information systems and relying on dynamic modelling, Nested Phoenix enables comprehensive assessment of environmental performance at high resolution of spatial and temporal detail.En savoir plus20 JunNested Phoenix is a bottom-up parametric model for an integrated life cycle assessment and material stocks and flows analysis of built environment. Coupled with geographical information systems and relying on dynamic modelling, Nested Phoenix enables comprehensive assessment of environmental performance at high resolution of spatial and temporal detail.
31 MayThe Urban Metabolism Lab is pleased to invite you to the research seminar Looking South: Urban-Metabolism-In-Formality, Wednesday, 31st May, 2 to 6 pm, Room AV- 02, LOCI+LAB Bruxelles and via Teams. The seminar is co-organised in collaboration with KNUST University, Ghana, the University of Lima, Peru, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and Technical University Munich, Germany, in the frameEn savoir plus31 MayThe Urban Metabolism Lab is pleased to invite you to the research seminar Looking South: Urban-Metabolism-In-Formality, Wednesday, 31st May, 2 to 6 pm, Room AV- 02, LOCI+LAB Bruxelles and via Teams. The seminar is co-organised in collaboration with KNUST University, Ghana, the University of Lima, Peru, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and Technical University Munich, Germany, in the frame